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Execute statement by shortcut in MySQLWorkbench

How can I execute any statement in MySQLWorkbench using shortcut? Now I have to press button (yellow lightning). Of course I have read this in the documentation: Table 14.6 - query menu (Table 14.6 - query menu) but I don't know what does mean Modifier+Return ?

As we can read Modifier is Ctrl (in Windows) but what is Return?

like image 864
Jacob Avatar asked Oct 26 '13 13:10


People also ask

How do I run a script in MySQL Workbench?

To run SQL script in MySQL, use the MySQL workbench. First, you need to open MySQL workbench. Now, File -> Open SQL Script to open the SQL script. Note − Press OK button twice to connect with MySQL.

2 Answers

Return = Enter key. So Ctrl + Enter key should execute.

like image 115
RustProof Labs Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

RustProof Labs

MySQL Workbench 6.3

Default key mapping

  • Execute (All or Selection) -> Ctrl+Shift+Enter
  • Execute Current Statement -> Ctrl+Enter

    Query > Execute

Change the default mapping


C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 6.3 CE\data\main_menu.xml

If you search for Execute (All or Selection) and for Execute Current Statement, you'll also identify (based on what you see in the screenshot above) the meaning of Modifier and Return:

  • Modifier = Ctrl
  • Return = Enter

Here you can change the default mappings. Being familiar with other tools like SQuirreL SQL and pgAdmin, I always prefer to run only the selected query using Ctrl+Enter or F5, so I change the following in the main_menu.xml:

  1. To run the selected query using Ctrl+Enter:
    <value type="object" struct-name="app.MenuItem" id="com.mysql.wb.menu.query.exec">        <link type="object" key="owner" struct-name="app.MenuItem">com.mysql.wb.menu.query</link>        <value type="string" key="caption">Execute (All or Selection)</value>        <value type="string" key="name">query.execute</value>        <value type="string" key="command">builtin:query.execute</value>        <value type="string" key="itemType">action</value>        <value type="string" key="shortcut">Modifier+Return</value>     </value>      ...     <value type="object" struct-name="app.MenuItem" id="com.mysql.wb.menu.query.execute_current_statementwin">        <link type="object" key="owner" struct-name="app.MenuItem">com.mysql.wb.menu.query</link>        <value type="string" key="caption">Execute Current Statement</value>        <value type="string" key="name">query.execute_current_statement</value>        <value type="string" key="command">builtin:query.execute_current_statement</value>        <value type="string" key="itemType">action</value>        <value type="string" key="shortcut">Modifier+Shift+Return</value>       <value type="string" key="platform">windows</value>     </value>  
  1. Run the selected query using F5:
    <value type="object" struct-name="app.MenuItem" id="com.mysql.wb.menu.query.exec">        <link type="object" key="owner" struct-name="app.MenuItem">com.mysql.wb.menu.query</link>        <value type="string" key="caption">Execute (All or Selection)</value>        <value type="string" key="name">query.execute</value>        <value type="string" key="command">builtin:query.execute</value>        <value type="string" key="itemType">action</value>        <value type="string" key="shortcut">F5</value>     </value>  

Save the file and restart MySQL Workbench to see the changes.

like image 20
ROMANIA_engineer Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
