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For loading huge amounts of data into MySQL, LOAD DATA INFILE is by far the fastest option. Unfortunately, while this can be used in a way INSERT IGNORE or REPLACE works, ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is not currently supported.

However, ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE has advantages over REPLACE. The latter does a delete and an insert when a duplicate exists. This brings overhead for key management. Also, autoincrement ids will not stay the same on a replace.

How can ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE be emulated when using LOAD DATA INFILE?

like image 221
Jan Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 12:03


1 Answers

These steps can be used to emulate this functionality:

  1. Create a new temporary table.

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temporary_table LIKE target_table; 
  2. Optionally, drop all indices from the temporary table to speed things up.

    SHOW INDEX FROM temporary_table; DROP INDEX `PRIMARY` ON temporary_table; DROP INDEX `some_other_index` ON temporary_table; 
  3. Load the CSV into the temporary table

    LOAD DATA INFILE 'your_file.csv' INTO TABLE temporary_table FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' (field1, field2); 
  4. Copy the data using ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE

    SHOW COLUMNS FROM target_table; INSERT INTO target_table SELECT * FROM temporary_table ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE field1 = VALUES(field1), field2 = VALUES(field2); 
  5. Remove the temporary table

    DROP TEMPORARY TABLE temporary_table; 

Using SHOW INDEX FROM and SHOW COLUMNS FROM this process can be automated for any given table.

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Jan Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09
