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Convert JSON array in MySQL to rows

UPDATE: This is now possible in MySQL 8 via the JSON_TABLE function: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-table-functions.html

I'm loving the new JSON functions in MySQL 5.7, but running into a block trying to merge values from JSON into a normal table structure.

Grabbing JSON, manipulating and extracting arrays from it etc. is simple. JSON_EXTRACT all the way. But what about the inverse, going from a JSON array to rows? Perhaps I am dense on the existing MySQL JSON functionality, but I haven't been able to figure that one out.

For example, say I have a JSON array and want to insert a row for each element in the array with its value? The only way I have found is to write a bunch of JSON_EXTRACT(... '$[0]') JSON_EXTRACT(... '$[1]') etc and union them together.

Or, say I have a JSON array and want to GROUP_CONCAT() it to a single comma separated string?

In other words, I know I can do this:

SET @j = '[1, 2, 3]'; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(JSON_EXTRACT(@j, CONCAT('$[', x.n, ']'))) AS val   FROM      (         SELECT 0 AS n         UNION         SELECT 1 AS n         UNION         SELECT 2 AS n         UNION         SELECT 3 AS n         UNION         SELECT 4 AS n         UNION         SELECT 5 AS n       ) x WHERE x.n < JSON_LENGTH(@j); 

But that hurts my eyes. And my heart.

How can I do something like:

SET @j = '[1, 2, 3]'; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(JSON_EXTRACT(@j, '$[ * ]')) 

... and have it concatenate together the values in the array vs. the JSON array itself?

I guess what I'm looking for here is some sort of JSON_SPLIT along the lines of:

SET @j = '[1, 2, 3]';  SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(val) FROM   JSON_SPLIT(JSON_EXTRACT(@j, '$[ * ]'), '$') 

If MySQL had a proper STRING_SPLIT(val, 'separator') table returning function, I could hack it (escaping be damned), but that's not available either.

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Chris Hynes Avatar asked Oct 06 '16 22:10

Chris Hynes

People also ask

What is JSON extract () function in MySQL?

We can use the JSON_EXTRACT function to extract data from a JSON field. The basic syntax is: JSON_EXTRACT(json_doc, path) For a JSON array, the path is specified with $[index] , where the index starts from 0: mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[10, 20, 30, 40]', '$[0]'); +------------------------------------------+

Is JSON an array MySQL?

In MySQL, you can use the JSON_ARRAY() function to create a JSON array from a list of values. You provide each value as a separate argument. Each argument becomes a separate element of the array. The function also accepts an empty list (i.e. you provide no arguments).

Can we store JSON array in MySQL?

Note that any database will accept JSON documents as a single string blob. However, MySQL and PostgreSQL support validated JSON data in real key/value pairs rather than a basic string.

Can MySQL parse JSON?

In MySQL, JSON values are written as strings. MySQL parses any string used in a context that requires a JSON value, and produces an error if it is not valid as JSON.

1 Answers

It's true that it's not a good idea to denormalize into JSON, but sometimes you need to deal with JSON data, and there's a way to extract a JSON array into rows in a query.

The trick is to perform a join on a temporary or inline table of indexes, which gives you a row for each non-null value in a JSON array. I.e., if you have a table with values 0, 1, and 2 that you join to a JSON array “fish” with two entries, then fish[0] matches 0, resulting in one row, and fish1 matches 1, resulting in a second row, but fish[2] is null so it doesn't match the 2 and doesn't produce a row in the join. You need as many numbers in the index table as the max length of any array in your JSON data. It's a bit of a hack, and it's about as painful as the OP's example, but it's very handy.

Example (requires MySQL 5.7.8 or later):

CREATE TABLE t1 (rec_num INT, jdoc JSON); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES    (1, '{"fish": ["red", "blue"]}'),    (2, '{"fish": ["one", "two", "three"]}');  SELECT   rec_num,   idx,   JSON_EXTRACT(jdoc, CONCAT('$.fish[', idx, ']')) AS fishes FROM t1   -- Inline table of sequential values to index into JSON array JOIN (    SELECT  0 AS idx UNION   SELECT  1 AS idx UNION   SELECT  2 AS idx UNION   -- ... continue as needed to max length of JSON array   SELECT  3   ) AS indexes WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(jdoc, CONCAT('$.fish[', idx, ']')) IS NOT NULL ORDER BY rec_num, idx; 

The result is:

+---------+-----+---------+ | rec_num | idx | fishes  | +---------+-----+---------+ |       1 |   0 | "red"   | |       1 |   1 | "blue"  | |       2 |   0 | "one"   | |       2 |   1 | "two"   | |       2 |   2 | "three" | +---------+-----+---------+ 

It looks like the MySQL team may add a JSON_TABLE function in MySQL 8 to make all this easier. (http://mysqlserverteam.com/mysql-8-0-labs-json-aggregation-functions/) (The MySQL team has added a JSON_TABLE function.)

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JimTheFrog Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09
