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How to Select Every Row Where Column Value is NOT Distinct

People also ask

Is there an opposite to distinct in SQL?

The opposite of DISTINCT is ALL. Because ALL is the default, it is typically not included.

How do I SELECT all rows in SQL?

SELECT * FROM <TableName>; This SQL query will select all columns and all rows from the table. For example: SELECT * FROM [Person].

How do I SELECT a column to exclude?

To exclude columns, you use the REPLACE() and GROUP_CONCAT() functions to generate the column names you wish to include in your SELECT statement later. You can use the result to create your SELECT statement: SELECT address,age,email,id,name,phone FROM Students; And that's how you use the information_schema.

This is significantly faster than the EXISTS way:

SELECT [EmailAddress], [CustomerName] FROM [Customers] WHERE [EmailAddress] IN
  (SELECT [EmailAddress] FROM [Customers] GROUP BY [EmailAddress] HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)

The thing that is incorrect with your query is that you are grouping by email and name, that forms a group of each unique set of email and name combined together and hence

aaron and [email protected]
christy and [email protected]
john and [email protected]

are treated as 3 different groups rather all belonging to 1 single group.

Please use the query as given below :

select emailaddress,customername from customers where emailaddress in
(select emailaddress from customers group by emailaddress having count(*) > 1)

select CustomerName,count(1) from Customers group by CustomerName having count(1) > 1

How about

SELECT EmailAddress, CustomerName FROM Customers a
WHERE Exists ( SELECT emailAddress FROM customers c WHERE a.customerName != c.customerName AND a.EmailAddress = c.EmailAddress)

Just for fun, here's another way:

;with counts as (
    select CustomerName, EmailAddress,
      count(*) over (partition by EmailAddress) as num
    from Customers
select CustomerName, EmailAddress
from counts
where num > 1