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How to get last inserted id?





For SQL Server 2005+, if there is no insert trigger, then change the insert statement (all one line, split for clarity here) to this

INSERT INTO aspnet_GameProfiles(UserId,GameId)
VALUES(@UserId, @GameId)

For SQL Server 2000, or if there is an insert trigger:

INSERT INTO aspnet_GameProfiles(UserId,GameId) 
VALUES(@UserId, @GameId);

And then

 Int32 newId = (Int32) myCommand.ExecuteScalar();

You can create a SqlCommand with CommandText equal to

INSERT INTO aspnet_GameProfiles(UserId, GameId) OUTPUT INSERTED.ID VALUES(@UserId, @GameId)

and execute int id = (int)command.ExecuteScalar.

This MSDN article will give you some additional techniques.

string insertSql = 
    "INSERT INTO aspnet_GameProfiles(UserId,GameId) VALUES(@UserId, @GameId)SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()";

int primaryKey;

using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString))

   SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(insertSql, myConnection);

   myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserId", newUserId);
   myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GameId", newGameId);

   primaryKey = Convert.ToInt32(myCommand.ExecuteScalar());


This will work.

I had the same need and found this answer ..

This creates a record in the company table (comp), it the grabs the auto ID created on the company table and drops that into a Staff table (staff) so the 2 tables can be linked, MANY staff to ONE company. It works on my SQL 2008 DB, should work on SQL 2005 and above.


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertNewCompanyAndStaffDetails]

 @comp_name varchar(55) = 'Big Company',

 @comp_regno nchar(8) = '12345678',

 @comp_email nvarchar(50) = '[email protected]',


-- The '@recID' is used to hold the Company auto generated ID number that we are about to grab



  DECLARE @tableVar TABLE (tempID INT)

-- The line above is used to create a tempory table to hold the auto generated ID number for later use. It has only one field 'tempID' and its type INT is the same as the '@recID'.

  INSERT INTO comp(comp_name, comp_regno, comp_email) 

  OUTPUT inserted.comp_id INTO @tableVar

-- The 'OUTPUT inserted.' line above is used to grab data out of any field in the record it is creating right now. This data we want is the ID autonumber. So make sure it says the correct field name for your table, mine is 'comp_id'. This is then dropped into the tempory table we created earlier.

  VALUES (@comp_name, @comp_regno, @comp_email)

  SET @recID = (SELECT tempID FROM @tableVar)

-- The line above is used to search the tempory table we created earlier where the ID we need is saved. Since there is only one record in this tempory table, and only one field, it will only select the ID number you need and drop it into '@recID'. '@recID' now has the ID number you want and you can use it how you want like i have used it below.

  INSERT INTO staff(Staff_comp_id) 
  VALUES (@recID)


-- So there you go. You can actually grab what ever you want in the 'OUTPUT inserted.WhatEverFieldNameYouWant' line and create what fields you want in your tempory table and access it to use how ever you want.

I was looking for something like this for ages, with this detailed break down, I hope this helps.

In pure SQL the main statement kools like:


Square brackets defines the table simbs and then the columns En and ID, round brackets defines the enumeration of columns to be initiated and then the values for the columns, in my case one column and one value. The apostrophes enclose a string

I will explain you my approach:

It might be not easy to understand but i hope useful to get the big picture around using the last inserted id. Of course there are alternative easier approaches. But I have reasons to keep mine. Associated functions are not included, just their names and parameter names.

I use this method for medical artificial intelligence The method check if the wanted string exist in the central table (1). If the wanted string is not in the central table "simbs", or if duplicates are allowed, the wanted string is added to the central table "simbs" (2). The last inseerted id is used to create associated table (3).

    public List<int[]> CreateSymbolByName(string SymbolName, bool AcceptDuplicates)
        if (! AcceptDuplicates)  // check if "AcceptDuplicates" flag is set
            List<int[]> ExistentSymbols = GetSymbolsByName(SymbolName, 0, 10); // create a list of int arrays with existent records
            if (ExistentSymbols.Count > 0) return ExistentSymbols; //(1) return existent records because creation of duplicates is not allowed
        List<int[]> ResultedSymbols = new List<int[]>();  // prepare a empty list
        int[] symbolPosition = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // prepare a neutral position for the new symbol
        try // If SQL will fail, the code will continue with catch statement
            //DEFAULT und NULL sind nicht als explizite Identitätswerte zulässig
            string commandString = "INSERT INTO [simbs] ([En]) OUTPUT INSERTED.ID VALUES ('" + SymbolName + "') "; // Insert in table "simbs" on column "En" the value stored by variable "SymbolName"
            SqlCommand mySqlCommand = new SqlCommand(commandString, SqlServerConnection); // initialize the query environment
                SqlDataReader myReader = mySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); // last inserted ID is recieved as any resultset on the first column of the first row
                int LastInsertedId = 0; // this value will be changed if insertion suceede
                while (myReader.Read()) // read from resultset
                    if (myReader.GetInt32(0) > -1) 
                        int[] symbolID = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                        LastInsertedId = myReader.GetInt32(0); // (2) GET LAST INSERTED ID
                        symbolID[0] = LastInsertedId ; // Use of last inserted id
                        if (symbolID[0] != 0 || symbolID[1] != 0) // if last inserted id succeded
            if (SqlTrace) SQLView.Log(mySqlCommand.CommandText); // Log the text of the command
            if (LastInsertedId > 0) // if insertion of the new row in the table was successful
                string commandString2 = "UPDATE [simbs] SET [IR] = [ID] WHERE [ID] = " + LastInsertedId + " ;"; // update the table by giving to another row the value of the last inserted id
                SqlCommand mySqlCommand2 = new SqlCommand(commandString2, SqlServerConnection); 
                symbolPosition[0] = LastInsertedId; // mark the position of the new inserted symbol
                ResultedSymbols.Add(symbolPosition); // add the new record to the results collection
        catch (SqlException retrieveSymbolIndexException) // this is executed only if there were errors in the try block
            Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", retrieveSymbolIndexException.ToString()); // user is informed about the error

        CreateSymbolTable(LastInsertedId); //(3) // Create new table based on the last inserted id
        if (MyResultsTrace) SQLView.LogResult(LastInsertedId); // log the action
        return ResultedSymbols; // return the list containing this new record