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How to select all empty elements with XPath



Assume the following markup:

      <strong>  </strong>
      <strong><em>Bar</em>  </strong>
      <strong><em>  </em>  </strong>

How can I get the following elements with a XPath query?

<strong>  </strong>
<strong><em>  </em>  </strong>

I've thought it would something like //*[normalize-space(text()) = '' and not(node())] for the first both cases but it's not. And I have no clue how to catch the third case.

To be more precisely: I'm searching for all nodes which contain only white space, new lines and child nodes with the same.

like image 993
witrin Avatar asked Apr 05 '15 14:04


1 Answers

The following XPath query catches them all:


But not:

<strong><em>Bar</em>  </strong>
like image 109
witrin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09
