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How to run a script in WiX with a custom action - simplest possible example?

Newbie WiX question: How do I
1. Copy a single-use shell script to temp along with the installer

  <Binary Id='permissions.cmd' src='permissions.cmd'/>  

2. Find and run that script at the end of the install.

<CustomAction Id='SetFolderPermissions' BinaryKey='permissions.cmd' 
    ExeCommand='permissions.cmd' Return='ignore'/>  

    <Custom Action="SetFolderPermissions" Sequence='1'/>

I think I have at least three problems:

  • I can't find permissions.cmd to run it - do I need [TEMPDIR]permissions.cmd or something?
  • My Sequence comes too soon, before the program is installed.
  • I need cmd /c permissions.cmd somewhere in here, probably near ExeCommand?

In this example permissions.cmd uses cacls.exe to add the interactive user with write permissions to the %ProgramFiles%\Vendor ACL. I could also use secureObject - that question is "How do I add the interactive user to a directory in a localized Windows"?

like image 260
nray Avatar asked Oct 04 '08 11:10


2 Answers

Here's a working example (for setting permissions, not for running a script):

<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
  <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles">
    <Directory Id="BaseDir" Name="MyCo">
      <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="MyApp" LongName="MyProd">

        <!-- Create the folder, so that ACLs can be set to NetworkService -->
        <Component Id="TheDestFolder" Guid="{333374B0-FFFF-4F9F-8CB1-D9737F658D51}"
                   DiskId="1"  KeyPath="yes">
          <CreateFolder Directory="INSTALLDIR">
            <Permission User="NetworkService"


Note that this is using 'Extended="Yes"' in the Permission tag, so it's using the SecureObjects table and custom action not the LockPermissions table (see WiX docs for Permission Element). In this example the permissions applied to the MyProd directory by SecureObjects are inherited by subdirectories, which is not the case when LockPermissions is used.

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user14402 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09


I found the blog post From MSI to WiX, Part 5 - Custom actions: Introduction helpful when I wanted to understand CustomActions in WiX.

You can also find the definition of CustomAction and its attributes in CustomAction Element.

You need to do something like this

<CustomAction Id="CallCmd" Value="[SystemFolder]cmd.exe" />
<CustomAction Id="RunCmd"  ExeCommand="/c permission.cmd" />
    <Custom Action="CallCmd" After="InstallInitialize" />
    <Custom Action="RunCmd" After="CallCmd" />
like image 41
CheGueVerra Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
