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How to return an array in Protobuf service rpc

I have the following schema in my .proto file:

service MyService {     rpc GetItem (ItemQuery) returns (Item) {     } }  message ItemQuery {     int id = 1; } message Item {     int id = 1;     string name = 2; } 

Now I want to add another rpc method to return multiple Items. Something like this:

rpc GetItems (ItemsQuery) returns (repeated Item) { } 

Is there a better way to do it than define an Items message?

like image 598
Shoham Avatar asked Apr 02 '17 11:04


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1 Answers

Option 1 - Use stream:

rpc GetItems (ItemsQuery) returns (stream Item) { } 

Option 2 - Set a response message which will use a repeated object:

service MyService {     rpc GetItem (ItemQuery) returns (ItemResponse) {     } }  message ItemQuery {     int id = 1; } message ItemResponse {     repeated Item items = 1; } message Item {     int id = 1;     string name = 2; } 
like image 149
Shoham Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 21:09
