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How to restart ADB manually from Android Studio

People also ask

How do I start adb manually?

Enable adb debugging on your device On Android 4.2 and higher, the Developer options screen is hidden by default. To make it visible, go to Settings > About phone and tap Build number seven times. Return to the previous screen to find Developer options at the bottom.

How do I start adb console?

Open a command window in the folder by holding shift and right-clicking in an empty spot in the folder and selecting "Open command prompt/PowerShell here" in the menu. Then you can start using ADB — connect your phone and try . ADB devices to see if it's working. A list with attached devices should show up.

Open Command prompt and go to

android sdk>platform-tools>

adb kill-server

press enter

and again

adb start-server

press enter

open command prompt -> cd to your sdk\platform-tools type below command:

adb kill-server && adb start-server

  1. Open a Task Manager by pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE, or right click at the bottom of the start menu and select Start Task Manager. see how to launch the task manager here

  2. Click on Processes or depending on OS, Details. Judging by your screenshot it's Processes.

  3. Look for adb.exe from that list, click on END PROCESS

  4. Click on the restart button in that window above. That should do it.

Basically by suddenly removing your device ADB got confused and won't respond while waiting for a device, and Android Studio doesn't want multiple instances of an ADB server running, so you'll have to kill the previous server manually and restart the whole process.

open cmd and type the following command

netstat -aon|findstr 5037

and press enter.

you will get a reply like this :

  TCP              LISTENING       3372
  TCP        TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP        TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP         TIME_WAIT       0

this shows the pid which is occupying the adb. in this 3372 is the value. it will not be same for anyone. so you need to do this every time you face this problem.

now type this :

taskkill /pid 3372(the pid you get in the previous step) /f

Voila! now adb runs perfectly.