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How to report individual jobs of pipeline as GitHub checks for Azure Pipelines?

On CI tools like Circle CI, it is possible for your individual jobs of one test run to report as separate checks to Github. The following is the result of one test run, that runs different jobs on Ubuntu and macOS images:

enter image description here

I can also create a pipeline on Azure Pipelines that achieves a similar result, running on multiple vmImages and different configurations via matrix. But this results in only one "check" on Github:

enter image description here

Although Azure Pipelines itself runs 6 different jobs in this case:

enter image description here

Is there a way to configure Azure Pipelines to report individual jobs of the pipeline as individual GitHub checks, similar to Circle CI?

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janpio Avatar asked Sep 17 '18 18:09


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Step 1: Go into the Azure DevOps project and click on pipelines. After that, click on the New pipeline button. Step 2: Now, Click on the "use the classic editor" link down below. Step 3: Select the project and repository where you want to create the pipeline then click on Continue.

1 Answers

I work on Azure Pipelines. We're adding support for showing individual jobs in GitHub Checks right now (our current 3-week sprint). It should be in production in October 2018.

like image 77
David Staheli Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10

David Staheli