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Best practice for minimizing downtime when deploying Azure Web Apps

I have an App Service Plan, and in this plan I have deployed 5 components of my solution as Web Apps. I use 'Release Management' in Azure DevOps to deploy code to these apps.

To minimise downtime during deployment, I deploy to staging slots first, and then swop the staging slots into production slots to complete deployment.

I have configured App Service Warmup (as detailed here) to call an endpoint that will 'warm up' the application during the slot swapping process.

This seems to work, but I have two issues:

  1. Even though the warmup has run, the first request made to the app after slot swapping takes a long time. I suspect that this is due to the production slot having a 'sticky / slot settings', which as I understand it necessitates an app restart. To test this, I removed the slot settings, but the delay is still there.

  2. The applications are dependent on each other, and the slot swapping (even though kicked off in parallel in Azure DevOps), is not guaranteed to complete at the same time, which means that it is possible for newer code to be interacting with old code. While we can engineer around this, this is not optimal.

From my investigations so far, the only way I can think of to work around these issues is to spin up a second app service plan, and configure traffic manager to sit in front of the two service plans. When deploying, I will prioritise one of the service plans while I deploy to the other service plan, and once that is complete divert traffic to the newly deployed service plan while upgrading the other, and then balancing the traffic between the two again once both are on the same code level.

What is the current 'best practice' for zero downtime deployments when using WebApps in Azure?

Is the duplicated service plan with traffic manager a viable option, and if not, what would you suggest?

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tardomatic Avatar asked Nov 18 '19 12:11


People also ask

Which deployment method should you choose to reduce downtime for the application you are deploying?

Swapping into production—instead of deploying to production—prevents downtime and allows you to roll back the changes by swapping again.

Which of these practices or strategies are used for zero downtime deployment?

The Blue-Green deployment strategy is a relatively simple technique that provides zero downtime deployment and a safe way to test the code before sending production traffic to it. It can be implemented as the final deployment solution or as a first step towards more complex techniques like Canary deployments.

How do you get zero downtime deployment in Azure?

To achieve zero downtime, Azure recommends using Deployment slots and swapping the staging and production slots. This is fine for a normal web applications, but If I have a web app where I am also doing other stuff like reading messages from queues, running workers in the background etc.

1 Answers

Follow these more best practice recommendation.


During the swap operation the site in the staging slot is warmed up by making an HTTP request to its root directory. More detailed explanation of that process is available at How to warm up Azure Web App during deployment slots swap.

By default the swap will proceed as long as the site responds with any status code. However, if you prefer the swap to not proceed if the application fails to warm up then you can configure it by using these app settings:

  • WEBSITE_SWAP_WARMUP_PING_PATH: The path to make the warm up request to. Set this to a URL path that begins with a slash as the value. For example, “/warmup.php”. The default value is /.

  • WEBSITE_SWAP_WARMUP_PING_STATUSES:Expected HTTP response codes for the warm-up operation. Set this to a comma-separated list of HTTP status codes. For example: “200,202” . If the returned status code is not in the list, the swap operation will not complete. By default, all response codes are valid.


  • WEBSITE_ADD_SITENAME_BINDINGS_IN_APPHOST_CONFIG: setting this to “1” will prevent web app’s worker process and app domain from recycling when the App Service’s storage infrastructure gets reconfigured.



If however for any reason you need to revert to the old behavior of swapping these settings then you can add the app setting WEBSITE_OVERRIDE_PRESERVE_DEFAULT_STICKY_SLOT_SETTINGS to every slot of the app and set its value to “0” or “false”.


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DixitArora-MSFT Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09
