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Azure web application suddenly gives 500 errors

My web application in azure is suddenly giving me 500 errors and I can't find any reason for it. I can't even request an image using a direct link.

500 - The request timed out. The web server failed to respond within the specified time.

The ASP.net web application runs perfectly on my local machine and the app used to work just perfectly a week ago. Since then I haven't made much changes to the application.

I even tried to upload the ASP.net application to a new web application instance, and still the same problem. How can it work locally and not remotely? And how can I debug this? I can't run a remote debugger since it never start the application. It just times out..

It's an ASP.NET 5, angular 2 application using typescript btw.

My eventlog.xml says this:

100000Keywords636333796ApplicationRD00155D4A13C6Process '42576' failed to start. Port = 18693, Error Code = '-2147023829'.100000Keywords637631703ApplicationRD00155D4A13C6Process '50976' failed to start. Port = 22932, Error Code = '-2147023829'.100000Keywords639938953ApplicationRD00155D4A13C6Process '49572' failed to start. Port = 4513, Error Code = '-2147023829'.

like image 619
ganjan Avatar asked May 24 '16 12:05


1 Answers

See this article for remote debugging tips on Azure Web Sites.


The first step I'd take is displaying custom errors on failure. To do this, you need to update the web.config (Either in Azure, or in Visual Studio)

    3.) Add the following line to the system.web element:
        <customErrors mode="Off"></customErrors>
like image 107
Mike Veazie - MSFT Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11

Mike Veazie - MSFT