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How to replace link_to_function for rails 4.1

I am in the middle of creating my first real Rails app, and I'm learning on the go. I have a situation where I need to create nested attributes on one form, and so have been looking at the railscast episodes relevant to that (196 and 197). In the second episode, he uses a link_to_function method, which is apparently no longer available in rails 4.1.

I am wondering how to replace it. I have been trying to link_to, and have tried many of the suggested solutions for others who have posted a similar question, but to no avail.

Here is what my view partial looks like at the moment (though, I've tried many things...)

<p class="offset1 fields">
   <%= f.hidden_field :_destroy %>
   <%= link_to "remove", '#', onclick: 'remove_fields("this")' %>

And here is my .js.coffee file containing the remove_fields() function:

remove_fields = (link) -> 
    $(link).previous("input[type=hidden]").value = 1

This function is supposed to remove a field from the form, but instead just appends the '#' to the url without calling the function.

What is the best way to link to a javascript (coffeescript) function in the assets from a view?

like image 825
Michael Cruz Avatar asked Sep 22 '14 20:09

Michael Cruz

1 Answers

A good way to deal with this is:

a) Set your href attribute to "javascript:void(0);" b) Set a DOM id or CSS class attribute to your link

<%= link_to "remove", "javascript:void(0);", id="remove_link" %>

c) Add the js click listener to your element (please check if this is the proper coffeescript syntax)

$ ->
  $('#remove_link').click = ()-> 
    $(link).previous("input[type=hidden]").value = 1

d) Always avoid using onclick: on html elements.


e) Here is an alternative of what might work for your code (after your comment):

$ ->
  $('#remove_link').click = ()-> 
    $('.offset1.fields input').attr('value', 1);
like image 131
Marcelo Ribeiro Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 19:10

Marcelo Ribeiro