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jquery ajax post call, ajaxify history and back button

I have ajax calls made in jquery function which i call with onClick options placed on divs. example:

<div class='basic' onClick='example( <?php echo numberIwant ?> )'> example </div>

and the functions than looks like this:

function example(ID){
        type: "POST",
        url: "example.php",
        data: "ID="+ID, success: function(msg){$("#main").html(msg);}

Now I want to make browser back button to work, to open the previous page(ajax content). I googled and tried multiple scrips like ajaxify and history.js and so on but I just cannot get it working.

I don't know if I either don't know how to use ajaxify properly or if it just doesent work with this kind of method..

Can anyone help me?

like image 462
Tadej Vengust Avatar asked Aug 09 '14 09:08

Tadej Vengust

1 Answers

Using the backbutton w/ AJAX has historically been a very common problem. Luckily, with HTML5 came history.pushState which sort of allows you to manually manipulate what the browser does during a navigation (e.g., backbutton).

Some good resources on this:




like image 71
joeltine Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 17:11
