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JavaScript selecting image to an img tag

I have a fake profile system for a class project, it requires a profile picture, and it needs an option to change it locally (from your hard drive). I have a working img tag that holds a placeholder image as a default, and when you click change picture, an open file dialog opens. All I need to work now is setting the image link for the img tag with the image they selected. This is what I have so far.

<div id="userphoto">
    <a><div class="gravatar-wrapper-128"><img id="image" src="http://blog.ramboll.com/fehmarnbelt/wp-content/themes/ramboll2/images/profile-img.jpg" alt="" class="logo" width="120" height="120"></div></a>
    <div class="change-picture-slide" style="top: 30px;">
        <input accept="image/*" type="file" id="upload" name="upload" style="visibility: hidden; width: 1px; height: 1px" />
        <a href="" onclick="changePicture(); return false">Change Picture</a>
    function changePicture() {
        //open the open file dialog
        var link = document.getElementById('upload').url;
        //change picture
        var img = document.getElementById("image");
        img.src = link;

Knowing this can not be done, how could I have the image the user selected be uploaded anonymously to imgur and using this link?

like image 326
Bryce Hahn Avatar asked Jul 04 '14 19:07

Bryce Hahn

People also ask

How do I import an image into an IMG tag?

Copy and paste your image URL into an IMG tag, add a SRC to it. Identify first where you'd like to place your image within the HTML and insert the image tag, <img>. Then take your uploaded image, copy the URL and place it within your img parameters prefaced by a src.

How do you source an image in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, get a reference to the image tag using the querySelector() method. Then, assign an image URL to the src attribute of the image element.

What is image () in JavaScript?

Image() The Image() constructor creates a new HTMLImageElement instance. It is functionally equivalent to document. createElement('img') .

1 Answers

You can try this by using file reader in javascript.

<div id="userphoto">
        <div class="gravatar-wrapper-128"><img id="image" src="body-img.jpg" alt="" class="logo" width="120" height="120"></div>
        <div class="change-picture-slide" style="top: 30px;">
            <input accept="image/*" type="file" id="upload" name="upload" onchange="readURL(this);"style="visibility: hidden;" />
            <a href="" onclick="changePicture(); return false">Change Picture</a>
        function changePicture(){
        function readURL(input)
            if (input.files && input.files[0])
                var reader = new FileReader();
                reader.onload = function (e)


like image 127
Indranil Mondal Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 21:10

Indranil Mondal