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How To Render Correct JSON format with raised error

I'm sure I have a basic rescue_from question here but, I am trying to get a desired output when an exception is raised when my Validation fails but I can't seem to figure it out.

Currently my ApplicationController is as follows:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::API
  include ActionController::Serialization

  rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid do |e|
  render json: {error: e.message}, status: 404


and the JSON output I get is:

  "error": "Validation failed: Organization can't be blank, Description can't be blank, Artwork can't be blank, Language code can't be blank, Copyright can't be blank, Right to left is not included in     the list, Digital audio is not included in the list, Portion is not included in the list, Electronic text is not included in the list, Old is not included in the list, New is not included in the list"

The desired ouput I would like to get (or something similar) is as follows:

  "organization_id": [
    "can't be blank"
  "description": [
    "can't be blank"
  "artwork": [
    "can't be blank"
  "language_code": [
    "can't be blank"
  "copyright": [
    "can't be blank"
  "right_to_left": [
    "is not included in the list"
  "digital_audio": [
    "is not included in the list"
  "portion": [
    "is not included in the list"
  "electronic_text": [
    "is not included in the list"
  "old": [
    "is not included in the list"
  "new": [
    "is not included in the list"

I am not sure how to get this. I get the desired output when I comment out the rescue_from method in the ApplicationController and set the my RecordController create method like this:

  def create
    r = Record.create(record_params)
    if r.save
    render json: r
      render json: r.errors

Although this is what I want, I would have to go to every controller and add this but this would not be a DRY method... I would rather centralize this in the ApplicationController

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

I have checked Correct JSON format & How can I “Pretty” format my JSON output in Ruby on Rails?

like image 449
Awatatah Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 22:10


1 Answers

I figured it out after more research.

The exception object e in that rescue_from body has a record attribute with the record that caused the exception, you can use the errors attribute of that record to extract the errors and create a response with the format you want:

I edited this line in ApplicationController to:

rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid do |e|
  render json: {error: {RecordInvalid: e.record.errors}}, status: 406

Change RecordController create method to:

def create
    r = Record.create!(record_params)
    render json: r

Which will give the output:

  "error": {
    "RecordInvalid": {
      "organization_id": [
        "can't be blank"
      "name": [
        "can't be blank"
      "description": [
        "can't be blank"
      "artwork": [
        "can't be blank"
      "language_code": [
        "can't be blank"
      "copyright": [
        "can't be blank"
      "right_to_left": [
        "is not included in the list"
      "digital_audio": [
        "is not included in the list"
      "portion": [
        "is not included in the list"
      "electronic_text": [
        "is not included in the list"
      "old": [
        "is not included in the list"
      "new": [
        "is not included in the list"

This really helps if you have other exceptions raised you would like to render exemple:

rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do
  render json: {error: {RecordNotFound: "Record not found for id: #{params[:id]}. Maybe deleted?"}}, status: 404    

with this if I search an invalid record 44 it will render:

 "error": {
    "RecordNotFound": "Record not found for id: 44. Maybe deleted?"

I hope this answer helps others! cheers

like image 125
Awatatah Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 12:11
