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Ensuring Rollbar has reported error with RSpec

Logic inside my class sometimes uses Rollbar.silenced to ignore some exception (so they don't get reported).

I'm trying to write a test which ensure that rollbar actually report error.

it 'does not mute rollbar' do
        expect(Rollbar).not_to receive(:silenced)
        expect(Rollbar).to receive(:error).with(any_args).and_call_original
        expect { query }.to raise_error(unknown_exception)

Unfortunately rollbar doesn't use in :error, :critical, :warning etc. methods when reporting unrescued errors.

I saw report_exception_to_rollbar and call_with_rollbar inside rollbar sourcecode which are wrapped with Rollbar.scoped.

So I tried to test it with:

expect(Rollbar).to receive(:scoped).with(any_args).and_call_original

but it also told me:

 Failure/Error: expect(Rollbar).to receive(:scoped).with(any_args).and_call_original
       (Rollbar).scoped(*(any args))
           expected: 1 time with any arguments
           received: 0 times with any arguments

How do I ensure that the exception is caught by rollbar and test it with rspec?

like image 394
Filip Bartuzi Avatar asked Oct 20 '22 02:10

Filip Bartuzi

1 Answers

The line you want to ensure runs is the Rollbar.log call in exception_reporter.rb. (Rollbar.error, Rollbar.warning, etc. are just wrappers around Rollbar.log.)

Try this:

expect(Rollbar).to receive(:log).with(any_args).and_call_original

like image 134
Brian Rue Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10

Brian Rue