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How to remove the last line from a variable in bash or sh?

I have a variable that has few lines. I would like to remove the last line from the contents of the variable. I searched the internet but all the links talk about removing the last line from a file. Here is the content of my variable

$echo $var
$select key from table_test
select fob from table_test
select cal from table_test
select rot from table_test

I would like to get rid of UNION ALL appearing in the last line alone.

like image 816
Alex Raj Kaliamoorthy Avatar asked Apr 05 '17 12:04

Alex Raj Kaliamoorthy

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Therefore, we can pass -1 as the length to remove the last character from the variable: Also, Bash allows us to omit the offset if it’s ‘ 0 ‘: $ {var::-1} However, we should keep in mind that Bash’s substring expansion with the negative length won’t work for empty strings:

How to remove the last line from a file in Linux?

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Let’s have a look at different ways of removing the last characters from a string. To remove the last characters from a string, type the variable name followed by a % symbol and a number of ? symbols equal to the number of characters to be removed. variable="verylongstring" echo $ {variable%??????}

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for removing the last n characters from a line that makes no use of sed OR awk: > echo lkj | rev | cut -c (n+1)- | rev so for example you can delete the last character one character using this: > echo lkj | rev | cut -c 2- | rev > lk

2 Answers

sed can do it the same way it would do it from a file :

> echo "$var" | sed '$d'

EDIT : $ represents the last line of the file, and d deletes it. See here for details

like image 189
fzd Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10


echo $var | head -n -1

Get all but the last line.

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Леонид Никифоренко Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10

Леонид Никифоренко