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How to remove a pandas dataframe from another dataframe

How to remove a pandas dataframe from another dataframe, just like the set subtraction:

a=[1,2,3,4,5] b=[1,5] a-b=[2,3,4] 

And now we have two pandas dataframe, how to remove df2 from df1:

In [5]: df1=pd.DataFrame([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]],columns=['a','b']) In [6]: df1 Out[6]:    a  b 0  1  2 1  3  4 2  5  6   In [9]: df2=pd.DataFrame([[1,2],[5,6]],columns=['a','b']) In [10]: df2 Out[10]:    a  b 0  1  2 1  5  6 

Then we expect df1-df2 result will be:

In [14]: df Out[14]:    a  b 0  3  4 

How to do it?

Thank you.

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176coding Avatar asked May 19 '16 03:05


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1 Answers


Use pd.concat followed by drop_duplicates(keep=False)

pd.concat([df1, df2, df2]).drop_duplicates(keep=False) 

It looks like

   a  b 1  3  4 


pd.concat adds the two DataFrames together by appending one right after the other. if there is any overlap, it will be captured by the drop_duplicates method. However, drop_duplicates by default leaves the first observation and removes every other observation. In this case, we want every duplicate removed. Hence, the keep=False parameter which does exactly that.

A special note to the repeated df2. With only one df2 any row in df2 not in df1 won't be considered a duplicate and will remain. This solution with only one df2 only works when df2 is a subset of df1. However, if we concat df2 twice, it is guaranteed to be a duplicate and will subsequently be removed.

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piRSquared Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10
