I'm trying to generate random data at fast speed inside Haskell, but it when I try to use any idiomatic approach I get low speed and big GC overhead.
Here is the short code:
import qualified System.Random.Mersenne as RM
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified System.IO as SI
import Data.Word
main = do
r <- RM.newMTGen Nothing :: IO RM.MTGen
rnd <- RM.randoms r :: IO [Word8]
BL.hPutStr SI.stdout $ BL.pack rnd
Here is the fast code:
import qualified System.Random.Mersenne as RM
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Binary.Put as DBP
import qualified System.IO as SI
import Data.List
import Control.Monad (void, forever)
import Data.Word
main = do
r <- RM.newMTGen Nothing :: IO RM.MTGen
forever $ do
x0 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
x1 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
x2 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
x3 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
x4 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
x5 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
x6 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
x7 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
x8 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
x9 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
xA <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
xB <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
xC <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
xD <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
xE <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
xF <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
c0 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
c1 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
c2 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
c3 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
c4 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
c5 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
c6 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
c7 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
c8 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
c9 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
cA <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
cB <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
cC <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
cD <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
cE <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
cF <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
v0 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
v1 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
v2 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
v3 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
v4 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
v5 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
v6 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
v7 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
v8 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
v9 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
vA <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
vB <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
vC <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
vD <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
vE <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
vF <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
b0 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
b1 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
b2 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
b3 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
b4 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
b5 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
b6 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
b7 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
b8 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
b9 <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
bA <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
bB <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
bC <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
bD <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
bE <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
bF <- RM.random r :: IO Word32
BL.hPutStr SI.stdout $ DBP.runPut $ do
DBP.putWord32be x0
DBP.putWord32be x1
DBP.putWord32be x2
DBP.putWord32be x3
DBP.putWord32be x4
DBP.putWord32be x5
DBP.putWord32be x6
DBP.putWord32be x7
DBP.putWord32be x8
DBP.putWord32be x9
DBP.putWord32be xA
DBP.putWord32be xB
DBP.putWord32be xC
DBP.putWord32be xD
DBP.putWord32be xE
DBP.putWord32be xF
DBP.putWord32be c0
DBP.putWord32be c1
DBP.putWord32be c2
DBP.putWord32be c3
DBP.putWord32be c4
DBP.putWord32be c5
DBP.putWord32be c6
DBP.putWord32be c7
DBP.putWord32be c8
DBP.putWord32be c9
DBP.putWord32be cA
DBP.putWord32be cB
DBP.putWord32be cC
DBP.putWord32be cD
DBP.putWord32be cE
DBP.putWord32be cF
DBP.putWord32be v0
DBP.putWord32be v1
DBP.putWord32be v2
DBP.putWord32be v3
DBP.putWord32be v4
DBP.putWord32be v5
DBP.putWord32be v6
DBP.putWord32be v7
DBP.putWord32be v8
DBP.putWord32be v9
DBP.putWord32be vA
DBP.putWord32be vB
DBP.putWord32be vC
DBP.putWord32be vD
DBP.putWord32be vE
DBP.putWord32be vF
DBP.putWord32be b0
DBP.putWord32be b1
DBP.putWord32be b2
DBP.putWord32be b3
DBP.putWord32be b4
DBP.putWord32be b5
DBP.putWord32be b6
DBP.putWord32be b7
DBP.putWord32be b8
DBP.putWord32be b9
DBP.putWord32be bA
DBP.putWord32be bB
DBP.putWord32be bC
DBP.putWord32be bD
DBP.putWord32be bE
DBP.putWord32be bF
The short code outputs about 6 megabytes of random bytes per second on my computer. The fast code - about 150 megabytes per seccond.
If I reduce number of that variables from 64 to 16 in the fast code, the speed drops to about 78 megabytes per second.
How to make this code compact and idiomatic without slowing it down?
I don't think lazy IO is considered very idiomatic today in Haskell. It may work for one-liners, but for the large IO-intensive programs haskellers use iteratees/conduits/pipes/Oleg-knows-what.
First, to make a reference point, some stats from running your original versions on my computer, compiled with GHC 7.6.3 (-O2 --make
), on Linux x86-64. The slow lazy bytestring version:
$ ./rnd +RTS -s | pv | head -c 100M > /dev/null
100MB 0:00:09 [10,4MB/s] [ <=> ]
6,843,934,360 bytes allocated in the heap
2,065,144 bytes copied during GC
68,000 bytes maximum residency (2 sample(s))
18,016 bytes maximum slop
1 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
Productivity 99.2% of total user, 97.7% of total elapsed
It's not blazingly fast, but there is no GC and memory overhead to speak of. It's interesting how and where did you get 37% GC time with this code.
The fast version with unrolled loops:
$ ./rndfast +RTS -s | pv | head -c 500M > /dev/null
500MB 0:00:04 [ 110MB/s] [ <=> ]
69,434,953,224 bytes allocated in the heap
9,225,128 bytes copied during GC
68,000 bytes maximum residency (2 sample(s))
18,016 bytes maximum slop
2 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
Productivity 85.0% of total user, 72.7% of total elapsed
That's much faster, but, interestingly enough, now we have 15% GC overhead.
And, finally, my version using conduits and blaze-builder. It generates 512 random Word64
s at a time to produce 4 KB data chunks to be consumed downstream. The performance increased steadily as I increased list "buffer" size from 32 to 512, but improvements are small above 128.
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Word
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
import Data.Conduit.Blaze (builderToByteString)
import Data.Word
import System.IO (stdout)
import qualified System.Random.Mersenne as RM
randomStream :: RM.MTGen -> Source IO Builder
randomStream gen = forever $ do
words <- liftIO $ RM.randoms gen
yield $ fromWord64shost $ take 512 words
main :: IO ()
main = do
gen <- RM.newMTGen Nothing
randomStream gen $= builderToByteString $$ CB.sinkHandle stdout
I noticed that unlike the two programs above it is slightly (3-4%) faster when compiled with -fllvm
, so the output below is from binary produced by LLVM 3.3.
$ ./rndconduit +RTS -s | pv | head -c 500M > /dev/null
500MB 0:00:09 [53,2MB/s] [ <=> ]
8,889,236,736 bytes allocated in the heap
10,912,024 bytes copied during GC
36,376 bytes maximum residency (2 sample(s))
19,024 bytes maximum slop
1 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
Productivity 99.0% of total user, 91.9% of total elapsed
So, it is twice as slow as the manually unrolled version, but is almost as short and readable as the lazy IO version, has almost no GC overhead and predictable memory behavior. Maybe there is a room for improvement here: comments are welcome.
Combining a bit of unsafe byte fiddling with conduits I was able to make program that generates 300+ MB/s of random data. Looks like simple type-specialized tail recursive functions works better than both lazy lists and manual unrolling.
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import System.IO (stdout)
import qualified System.Random.Mersenne as RM
randomChunk :: RM.MTGen -> Int -> IO ByteString
randomChunk gen bufsize = allocaArray bufsize $ \ptr -> do
loop ptr bufsize
B.packCStringLen (castPtr ptr, bufsize * sizeOf (undefined :: Word64))
loop :: Ptr Word64 -> Int -> IO ()
loop ptr 0 = return ()
loop ptr n = do
x <- RM.random gen
pokeElemOff ptr n x
loop ptr (n - 1)
chunkStream :: RM.MTGen -> Source IO ByteString
chunkStream gen = forever $ liftIO (randomChunk gen 512) >>= yield
main :: IO ()
main = do
gen <- RM.newMTGen Nothing
chunkStream gen $$ CB.sinkHandle stdout
At this speed IO overhead actually becomes noticeable: program spends more than quarter of its run time in system calls, and adding head
to the pipeline like in the examples above slows it down considerably.
$ ./rndcond +RTS -s | pv > /dev/null
^C27GB 0:00:10 [ 338MB/s] [ <=> ]
8,708,628,512 bytes allocated in the heap
1,646,536 bytes copied during GC
36,168 bytes maximum residency (2 sample(s))
17,080 bytes maximum slop
2 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
Productivity 98.7% of total user, 73.6% of total elapsed
I can confirm that the second version is slower than the first, but not to the same extent. In 10 seconds, the short code generated 111M of data, while the large code generated 833M of data. This was done on Mac OSX Lion, compiled with 7.6.3 with -O3.
While I don't know why the first solution is so slow, the second can be simplified by using replicateM
and mapM
to remove the duplication:
main3 = do
r <- RM.newMTGen Nothing :: IO RM.MTGen
forever $ do
vals <- sequence $ replicate 64 (RM.random r)
BL.hPutStr SI.stdout $ DBP.runPut $ mapM_ DBP.putWord32be vals
This solution is still slower though, generating 492M of data in 10 seconds. A final last ditch solution is to use template haskell, to generate the code to unroll the loops:
main4 = do
r <- RM.newMTGen Nothing :: IO RM.MTGen
forever $ do
$(let varCount = 64
-- | replaces every instance of oldName with newName in the exp
replaceNames :: (Typeable t, Data t) => String -> Name -> t -> t
replaceNames oldName replacementName expr = everywhere (mkT changeName) expr where
changeName name | nameBase name == oldName = replacementName
| otherwise = name
singleVarExp :: Name -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
singleVarExp varName next = replaceNames "patternvar" varName <$> [| RM.random r >>= \patternvar -> $(next) |]
allVarExps :: [Name] -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
allVarExps (n:ns) next = foldr (\var result -> singleVarExp var result)
(singleVarExp n next) ns
singleOutputter :: Name -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
singleOutputter varName next = [| DBP.putWord32be $(varE varName) >> $(next) |]
allVarOutput :: [Name] -> ExpQ
allVarOutput (n:ns) = foldr (\var result -> singleOutputter var result)
(singleOutputter n [| return () |]) ns
printResultExp :: [Name] -> ExpQ
printResultExp names = [| BL.hPutStr SI.stdout $ DBP.runPut ($(allVarOutput names)) |]
result = do
vars <- replicateM varCount $ newName "x"
allVarExps vars (printResultExp vars)
in result)
This runs at about the same speed as your original fast version. It isn't very neat (your fast solution is easier to read), but you can now change the number of variables easily, and still have the loop unrolled. I tried 512, but apart from making the compile time huge, it didn't seem to have much effect on performance.
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