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How to recover original indices for a flattened Numpy array?

I've got a multidimensional numpy array that I'm trying to stick into a pandas data frame. I'd like to flatten the array, and create a pandas index that reflects the pre-flattened array indices.

Note I'm using 3D to keep the example small, but I'd like to generalize to at least 4D

A = np.random.rand(2,3,4)
array([[[ 0.43793885,  0.40078139,  0.48078691,  0.05334248],
    [ 0.76331509,  0.82514441,  0.86169078,  0.86496111],
    [ 0.75572665,  0.80860943,  0.79995337,  0.63123724]],

   [[ 0.20648946,  0.57042315,  0.71777265,  0.34155005],
    [ 0.30843717,  0.39381407,  0.12623462,  0.93481552],
    [ 0.3267771 ,  0.64097038,  0.30405215,  0.57726629]]])

df = pd.DataFrame(A.flatten())

I'm trying to generate x/y/z columns like this:

           A  z  y  x
0   0.437939  0  0  0
1   0.400781  0  0  1
2   0.480787  0  0  2
3   0.053342  0  0  3
4   0.763315  0  1  0
5   0.825144  0  1  1
6   0.861691  0  1  2
7   0.864961  0  1  3
21  0.640970  1  2  1
22  0.304052  1  2  2
23  0.577266  1  2  3

I've tried setting this up using np.meshgrid but I'm going wrong somewhere:

dimnames = ['z', 'y', 'x']
ranges   = [ np.arange(x) for x in A.shape ]
ix       = [ x.flatten()  for x in np.meshgrid(*ranges) ]
for name, col in zip(dimnames, ix):
    df[name] = col
df = df.set_index(dimnames).squeeze()

This result looks somewhat sensible, but the indices are wrong:

z  y  x
0  0  0    0.437939
      1    0.400781
      2    0.480787
      3    0.053342
1  0  0    0.763315
      1    0.825144
      2    0.861691
      3    0.864961
0  1  0    0.755727
      1    0.808609
      2    0.799953
      3    0.631237
1  1  0    0.206489
      1    0.570423
      2    0.717773
      3    0.341550
0  2  0    0.308437
      1    0.393814
      2    0.126235
      3    0.934816
1  2  0    0.326777
      1    0.640970
      2    0.304052
      3    0.577266

print A[0,1,0]

print print df.loc[0,1,0]

How can I create the index columns to reflect the shape of A?

like image 699
ajwood Avatar asked Sep 09 '17 20:09


People also ask

What does flatten () do in NumPy?

Return a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension. 'C' means to flatten in row-major (C-style) order. 'F' means to flatten in column-major (Fortran- style) order.

What will be the shape of the sample NumPy array after flattening it?

flatten() method. As the name applies, the flatten() method in Numpy is used to convert an array into a 1-dimensional array. So it basically flattens the array irrespective of its shape.

Which NumPy function returns a contiguous flattened array?

The numpy. ravel() functions returns contiguous flattened array(1D array with all the input-array elements and with the same type as it).

What is unravel index?

unravel_index(indices, shape, order='C') Converts a flat index or array of flat indices into a tuple of coordinate arrays. Parameters indicesarray_like. An integer array whose elements are indices into the flattened version of an array of dimensions shape .

2 Answers

You could use pd.MultiIndex.from_product:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import string

def using_multiindex(A, columns):
    shape = A.shape
    index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([range(s)for s in shape], names=columns)
    df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A.flatten()}, index=index).reset_index()
    return df

A = np.array([[[ 0.43793885,  0.40078139,  0.48078691,  0.05334248],
    [ 0.76331509,  0.82514441,  0.86169078,  0.86496111],
    [ 0.75572665,  0.80860943,  0.79995337,  0.63123724]],

   [[ 0.20648946,  0.57042315,  0.71777265,  0.34155005],
    [ 0.30843717,  0.39381407,  0.12623462,  0.93481552],
    [ 0.3267771 ,  0.64097038,  0.30405215,  0.57726629]]])

df = using_multiindex(A, list('ZYX'))


    Z  Y  X         A
0   0  0  0  0.437939
1   0  0  1  0.400781
2   0  0  2  0.480787
3   0  0  3  0.053342
21  1  2  1  0.640970
22  1  2  2  0.304052
23  1  2  3  0.577266

Or if performance is a top priority, consider using senderle's cartesian_product. (See the code, below.)

Here is a benchmark for A with shape (100, 100, 100):

In [321]: %timeit  using_cartesian_product(A, columns)
100 loops, best of 3: 13.8 ms per loop

In [318]: %timeit using_multiindex(A, columns)
10 loops, best of 3: 35.6 ms per loop

In [320]: %timeit indices_merged_arr_generic(A, columns)
10 loops, best of 3: 29.1 ms per loop

In [319]: %timeit using_product(A)
1 loop, best of 3: 461 ms per loop

This is the setup I used for the benchmark:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import functools
import itertools as IT
import string
product = IT.product

def cartesian_product_broadcasted(*arrays):
    http://stackoverflow.com/a/11146645/190597 (senderle)
    broadcastable = np.ix_(*arrays)
    broadcasted = np.broadcast_arrays(*broadcastable)
    dtype = np.result_type(*arrays)
    rows, cols = functools.reduce(np.multiply, broadcasted[0].shape), len(broadcasted)
    out = np.empty(rows * cols, dtype=dtype)
    start, end = 0, rows
    for a in broadcasted:
        out[start:end] = a.reshape(-1)
        start, end = end, end + rows
    return out.reshape(cols, rows).T

def using_cartesian_product(A, columns):
    shape = A.shape
    coords = cartesian_product_broadcasted(*[np.arange(s, dtype='int') for s in shape])
    df = pd.DataFrame(coords, columns=columns)
    df['A'] = A.flatten()
    return df

def using_multiindex(A, columns):
    shape = A.shape
    index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([range(s)for s in shape], names=columns)
    df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A.flatten()}, index=index).reset_index()
    return df

def indices_merged_arr_generic(arr, columns):
    n = arr.ndim
    grid = np.ogrid[tuple(map(slice, arr.shape))]
    out = np.empty(arr.shape + (n+1,), dtype=arr.dtype)
    for i in range(n):
        out[...,i] = grid[i]
    out[...,-1] = arr
    out.shape = (-1,n+1)
    df = pd.DataFrame(out, columns=['A']+columns)
    return df

def using_product(A):
    x, y, z = A.shape
    x_, y_, z_ = zip(*product(range(x), range(y), range(z)))
    df = pd.DataFrame(A.flatten()).assign(x=x_, y=y_, z=z_)
    return df

A = np.random.random((100,100,100))
shape = A.shape
columns = list(string.ascii_uppercase[-len(shape):][::-1])
like image 97
unutbu Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10


from itertools import product

A = np.random.rand(2, 3, 4)
x, y, z = A.shape
x_, y_, z_ = zip(*product(range(x), range(y), range(z)))
df = pd.DataFrame(A.flatten()).assign(x=x_, y=y_, z=z_)
>>> df

           0  x  y  z
0   0.548814  0  0  0
1   0.715189  0  0  1
2   0.602763  0  0  2
3   0.544883  0  0  3
4   0.423655  0  1  0
5   0.645894  0  1  1
6   0.437587  0  1  2
7   0.891773  0  1  3
8   0.963663  0  2  0
9   0.383442  0  2  1
10  0.791725  0  2  2
11  0.528895  0  2  3
12  0.568045  1  0  0
13  0.925597  1  0  1
14  0.071036  1  0  2
15  0.087129  1  0  3
16  0.020218  1  1  0
17  0.832620  1  1  1
18  0.778157  1  1  2
19  0.870012  1  1  3
20  0.978618  1  2  0
21  0.799159  1  2  1
22  0.461479  1  2  2
23  0.780529  1  2  3
like image 34
Alexander Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10
