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How to redirect python script cmd output to a file?




So I have a python script that outputs text to the console and I need that logged to a file instead, but the script is quite complex and I don't code python, so I would rather not alter it.

I want to do this

>python script.py arg1 arg2 ... argn > "somefile.txt"

But it won't work, and my guess is that python takes > and "somefile.txt" as arguments..

Can this be achieved and how?

like image 387
Garin GG Avatar asked Aug 04 '17 06:08

Garin GG

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2 Answers

$ (python script.py one two) > test.txt

Or if you want to see the output and also write it to a file:

$ python script.py one two | tee test.txt

If this still isn't writing to the file, try redirecting STDERR:

$ python script.py one two 2>&1 | tee test.txt

like image 149
cfeduke Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11


Add these lines of code to the beginning of the python file.

import sys
sys.stdout = open('somefile.txt', 'w')

This is setting the sys.stdout to a file object of your choice.

like image 26
Bhargava Bodas Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Bhargava Bodas