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How to quickly get started at using and learning Emacs [closed]



There are all sorts of advantages to using Emacs, but for someone comfortable with the usual Win32 applications it comes with a wall-like learning curve. With most other editors it’s possible to just start using them and then learn about their other features and enhancements as you go along.

How to just get on with using Emacs straight away, with the aim of reaching that point where you actually prefer to use Emacs over other editors or applications?

Edit - To try and clarify the question: I’ve done the tutorial, read some docs, etc. then soon after when I’ve wanted to quickly edit some text it’s been easier to just use another editor, that I already know. What do I need to do so that not only I don’t just go for another easier editor, but that I actually prefer to use Emacs, and how to get here as quickly as possible? What if any are the training wheels for Emacs?

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Rob Kam Avatar asked Nov 06 '08 18:11

Rob Kam

People also ask

How long does it take to learn Emacs?

My short answer is Yes it is worth taking 3-4 weeks of a diminishing productivity-hit to learn Emacs. Even if you decide you prefer a streamlined unix utility combo over Emacs for development you will derive from it an education widely applicable beyond the editor.

What is the best way to learn Emacs?

Try the EmacsTutorial, or read one of the BooksAboutEmacs. Learn Emacs using its SelfDocumentation. Asking Emacs directly is the best way to get to know it.

How do I get started with Emacs?

To run the tutorial, start Emacs and type C-h t , that is, Ctrl-h followed by t . All the features described in this tour work in GNU Emacs 23. Some features described weren't included in previous versions of Emacs but can be installed separately.

Which is easier to learn Emacs or Vim?

Emacs is easier to learn since it has a more natural interface (for users familiar with GUI-based text editors). Since Vim has different editing modes, beginners find it a little harder to learn.

1 Answers

The biggest thing about learning how to use Emacs is ... (drumroll please) learning how to use Emacs.

Okay, okay, okay. It's a silly answer, and it's a tautology, but it's true. If you start up Emacs, and think to yourself "How could I find every instance of the word 'foobar' in my source tree?" the worst thing you could do is hit Alt + Tab and visit Google.


Learning the help system and how it works is the best thing you can do. It's so nice to just hit C-h a find, and suddenly get all the information you need, right at your fingertips.

The next best thing you could do is install a wonderful little package called Icicles which has some seriously groovy completion functions. After you get it installed, just know that anytime the minibuffer is asking for some kind of input, you can now use regular expressions.

How would this apply to finding every file in your source tree? Well, you'd hit M-x, and then type "find". After that, you could hit (for instance) Shift + Tab and Icicles would kick in, finding every command that prefixes with "find". Alternatively, you could do M-x .find. and it would give you any command with find in it.

Build a cheat sheet. Just keep a saved buffer somewhere that has all of the keyboard shortcuts you use frequently in it. Remove the ones that you know off by heart, and pick up new ones. In most cases when you do a M-x command, the message buffer will tell you what the keyboard shortcut was for that command (if there was one).

Learn. Keyboard. Macros.

Learn. Emacs. Lisp.

Steven Huwig's idea of using some killer applications is a good one. Emacs is easier to use when you want to use it. For me, it was Planner Mode. (I've just moved to Org-mode, and it's even better.)

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Jonathan Arkell Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10

Jonathan Arkell