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How do I revert a sparse-tree view in org mode?




I am learning org mode, and just found out about sparse trees (C-c / t and its kin). How can I go back to the original, unsparse, view of my org document?

I found out by trial and error that TAB-cycling the top node works, is there a better way?

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benhsu Avatar asked Sep 17 '12 01:09


People also ask

What is sparse tree in Org mode?

2.5 Sparse Trees. An important feature of Org mode is the ability to construct sparse trees for selected information in an outline tree, so that the entire document is folded as much as possible, but the selected information is made visible along with the headline structure above it7.

How do you make a table in Org mode?

The easiest way to create a table is to directly type the "|" character at the beginning of a line, or after any amount of white space. This will put you in the first field of an atomic table. Once you've finished editing this cell, you can jump to the next one by pressing TAB .

2 Answers

C-c C-c should clear out the sparse-tree hiding and highlighting, but as far as I know, you can't just go back to the "last view" you had of it. If you want to go back to the full-view, use Shift-Tab to cycle all entries.

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jdd Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09


So, it's now 2018 and (AFAIK) this feature still doesn't exist.

The best workaround I've found so far, is to create an indirect buffer (C-x 4 c) and then run org-sparse-tree in there. The original window remains unaffected, so you keep your view, and changes to the indirect buffer will update the original buffer (and vice-versa). When you're done, you just close the indirect buffer.

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Ben K. Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Ben K.