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How to put user defined datatype into a Dictionary

I'm trying to define my own data type and put it in a Dictionary as a value. VBA complains that it does not accept my data type. Any ideas about how to get this working?

Option Explicit

Public Type Translation
    german As String
    french As String
    italian As String
End Type

Private resource As Object

Public Sub addTranslation(key As String, g As String, f As String, i As String)
    Dim trx As Translation
    trx.german = g
    trx.french = f
    trx.italian = i

    resource.add key, trx  '<== here VBA is complaining
End Sub

Public Sub initResource()
    If resource Is Nothing Then Set resource = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
End Sub

This is the error messge:

Only user-defined types defined in public object modules can be coerced to or from a variant or passed to late-bound modules.

like image 428
BetaRide Avatar asked Feb 07 '12 14:02


1 Answers

After some more digging i found this answer:

If you want to put a user defined data type into a Dictionary of Collection, you have to define it as class. You can do so by adding a new class module and just adding this code:

Public german As String
Public french As String
Public italian As String

Since I named the class module trans, my resulting code looks like this:

Private resource As Object

Public Sub addTranslation(k As String, g As String, f As String, i As String)
    Dim trx As trans
    Set trx = New trans
    trx.german = g
    trx.french = f
    trx.italian = i

    resource.Add k, trx
End Sub

Public Sub initTranslations()
    If resource Is Nothing Then Set resource = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
End Sub

Now I can dynamically add translations.

like image 194
BetaRide Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10
