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How to properly implement a function with variadic number of std::string_view arguments?

Desired behavior

What I basically want is to create a function like this:

void func(std::string_view... args)
    (std::cout << ... << args);

It should be able to work only with classes that are convertible to std::string_view.


int main()
    const char* tmp1 = "Hello ";
    const std::string tmp2 = "World";
    const std::string_view tmp3 = "!";

    func(tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, "\n");

    return 0;

should print: Hello World!

Accomplished behavior

So far, I got here:

template<typename... types>
using are_strings = std::conjunction<std::is_convertible<types, std::string_view>...>;

template<typename... strings, class = std::enable_if_t<are_strings<strings...>::value, void>>
void func(strings... args)
    (std::cout << ... << args);

int main()
    const char* tmp1 = "Hello ";
    const std::string tmp2 = "World";
    const std::string_view tmp3 = "!";

    func(tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, "\n");

    return 0;

This actually works as expected, but there is still one big problem.


Only classes that are convertible to std::string_view can be used in this function and that's great.
However, even though classes are convertible, they are not converted to std::string_view!

This leads to needless copying of data(for example when std::string is passed as argument).


Is there a way to force implicit conversion of variadic arguments to std::string_view?


I know about std::initializer_list, but I would like to keep function call simple, without {}.

like image 696
Iskustvo Avatar asked Jan 01 '23 13:01


1 Answers

namespace impl{
  void func(SVs... svs){
    static_assert( (std::is_same< SVs, std::string_view >{} && ...) );
    // your code here
  std::enable_if_t< (std::is_convertible<Ts, std::string_view >{}&&...), bool > =true
void func( Ts&&...ts ){
  return impl::func( std::string_view{std::forward<Ts>(ts)}... );

or somesuch.

like image 187
Yakk - Adam Nevraumont Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 23:01

Yakk - Adam Nevraumont