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How to profile a Jetty application in a Netbeans Maven Web Project?

I'm trying to use Jetty in a Netbeans Maven Web Project (instead of Glassfish or Tomcat). I've managed to get running and debugging to work as follows:

  1. Add the plugin to pom.xml:

  2. Project Properties -> Run -> Server -> <No Server Selected>

  3. Project Properties -> Actions -> Run Project -> Goals = jetty:run
  4. Project Properties -> Actions -> Debug Project -> Goals = jetty:run, add jpda.listen=maven to Set Properties

Any ideas on how to get the "Profile Project" action to work?

like image 339
Gili Avatar asked Aug 09 '11 13:08


1 Answers

It seems this isn't supported yet: https://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=200771

like image 198
Gili Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 03:11
