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How to print from GitHub

If I want to print a markdown file from GitHub as it appears on screen, for example: https://github.com/RestKit/RestKit/blob/master/Docs/Object%20Mapping.md

Then how can I accomplish that? What code do I need to change in the resulting github html page (that I save) such that the printout will honor the look & feel of the markdown?

So far the only clue I have is this one: https://makandracards.com/makandra/4947-how-to-print-github-wiki-pages But it is more of a utilitarian (non-programmatic) workaround which doesn't really work because the markdown interpreter in use isn't as forgiving as the one running on the GitHub websites so it fumbles.

like image 970
pulkitsinghal Avatar asked Apr 03 '12 17:04


People also ask

How do I turn a markdown into a PDF?

Usage. Just focus the window containing your markdown file and use the convert command ( Packages > Markdown PDF > Convert ). The output PDF will be styled similar to the markdown on github.com , as well as any user styles you have added.

1 Answers

Here is a bookmarklet that works perfectly for me:

  1. Copy the contents of the bookmarklet Gist, reproduced below as a backup.
  2. Create a new bookmark in the toolbar of your browser, give it a fitting name.
  3. Put that one line of code in the URL field.

If you now go to a Markdown page on Github and click the bookmark it will reformat the page and change the CSS so that it looks the same as on screen when you print. Now just print the page.

Bookmarklet contents:

javascript:(function(e,a,g,h,f,c,b,d)%7Bif(!(f=e.jQuery)%7C%7Cg%3Ef.fn.jquery%7C%7Ch(f))%7Bc=a.createElement(%22script%22);c.type=%22text/javascript%22;c.src=%22http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/%22+g+%22/jquery.min.js%22;c.onload=c.onreadystatechange=function()%7Bif(!b&&(!(d=this.readyState)%7C%7Cd==%22loaded%22%7C%7Cd==%22complete%22))%7Bh((f=e.jQuery).noConflict(1),b=1);f(c).remove()%7D%7D;a.documentElement.childNodes%5B0%5D.appendChild(c)%7D%7D)(window,document,%221.3.2%22,function($,L)%7B$('%23header,%20.pagehead,%20.breadcrumb,%20.commit,%20.meta,%20%23footer,%20%23footer-push,%20.wiki-actions,%20%23last-edit,%20.actions,%20.header,.site-footer,.repository-sidebar,.file-navigation,.gh-header-meta,.gh-header-actions,#wiki-rightbar,#wiki-footer,.commit-tease').remove();%20$('%23files,%20.file').css(%7B%22background%22:%22none%22,%20%22border%22:%22none%22%7D);%20$('link').removeAttr('media');%7D); var removeMe = document.getElementsByClassName("file-header")[0]; removeMe.parentNode.removeChild(removeMe); 
like image 143
Boris Terzic Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

Boris Terzic