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How to prevent iFrame actions from causing outer page to scroll to it

First, I know there are many questions about this phenomenon but none of the workarounds given so far would help in the situation I have here.

enter image description here

Environment: My code is in the Outer iFrame inside a page I don't control. It's sized to fit all my content so no scrolling happens inside my iFrame. Rather, the outer page can scroll it up and down to view its content.

Problem: I have an inner iFrame holding third party ads which I can't control. If the inner iFrame runs any of the following Javascript commands, the outer page scrolls everything down to bring the inner iFrame into view:

  1. blur and focus on an element inside it
  2. window.location.href or document.location.hash to an anchor inside it.

  3. scrollIntoView on an element inside it

Here is a demo a colleague put together (wait 5 seconds for it to start)

Solutions that don't work:

  1. If I controlled the outer page, I could listen to the onScroll event and prevent the page from scrolling if it wasn't from a mousewheel or key up/down event. However, due to security reasons, my outer iFrame can't access the main page or prevent the main page from scrolling it up or down.
  2. I could overwrite all those Javascript methods mentioned above so they didn't work - however, the ads in my inner iFrame actually create their own internal iFrames which have that functionality and causes the same issue.
  3. There are no events being propagated up that I can see which my iFrame could stop from reaching the main page. The browser appears to listen directly to the innermost iFrame.
like image 706
David Daudelin Avatar asked Jun 12 '15 18:06

David Daudelin

People also ask

How do I turn off iframe scrolling?

How to Disable Scrolling on an <iframe> Add the scrolling="no" attribute to the <iframe> element to prevent users from scrolling on an iframe, both horizontally and vertically.

How do I stop redirecting iframe?

You can set sandbox="" , which prevents the iframe from redirecting. That being said it won't redirect the iframe either. You will lose the click essentially. Save this answer.

How can I disable clicks but still allow scrolling in an iframe?

If you don't want the contents of the iframe to be interactable by the user, you can disable pointer-events on it. But as you want it to be scrollable, just put a full sized iframe in a smaller div with overflow: scroll.

How do you make an iframe scroll on a page?

You need to know the content height of the page that was loaded into the iframe and adjust the iframe correspondently. Fill up the iframe inside the content div. Hide the scroll bar in the iframe, but detect scroll somehow. However this will be a daunting task and the road to this will be full of potholes.

1 Answers

Maybe there are some other ways to solve this issue, but one pretty straightforward solution is to take troublesome iframes out of the natural layout of the site by positioning them as fixed.

Then the only remaining challenge may be to force them to behave as if they were part of the natural layout. But this tasks seems to be of mediocre complexity in comparison to the original problem.

Moreover, in your particular case, the above approach works pretty out of the box. Since the outer iframe is not scrollable and its height matches its content height: you just need to insert -- for each iframe -- a placeholder that matches its counterpart size...

like image 193
artur grzesiak Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09

artur grzesiak