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Can you detect when a dom node's style is set to 'auto'?

With the example CSS:

.thing { height: auto }

and HTML:

<div class="thing">The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.</div>

is it possible to detect that the height of .thing is set to 'auto'?

The following methods return values:

jQuery('.thing').height()        // n
jQuery('.thing').css('height')   // 'npx'
getComputedStyle(node).height    // 'npx'

Is there any method that will tell me that the browser is calculating these values from 'auto'?

like image 671
stephband Avatar asked May 20 '11 12:05


1 Answers

Yes there is a way, but it's not a funny one. What you have to do is:

  1. Loop through all styletags and linked stylesheets.
  2. Then get the selectorText for all cssRules in all style tags


    or for IE < 9

  3. Get all of your elements parents id, class and tagName to find out what possible ways for the tag to get the attribute.

  4. Find all possible combinations that point towards your element in your list of cssRules
  5. check those cssRules at cssRules.style.width if it is auto.

or do it some reverse way and find all cssRules with style.width == 'auto'; either way its not something easy to get without a lot of code

like image 134
Johan Olsson Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10

Johan Olsson