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Test that a click event in React updates the HTML

I've set up some tests of a React component that displays a table using Mocha. I can assert on its initial state but I have a click event which sorts the data that I'd like to test.

If I use React.addons.TestUtils.Simulate.click(theComponent) to try to test the sort.

  • I can see that the event is handled,
  • that the state change is fired
  • the data is sorted before calling setState

but when I assert against the component nothing has changed.

it('sorts the data when the year header is clicked', function() {
    var React = require('react/addons');
    var TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils;

    var payTable = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
        <PayTable payYears={data} />

    var headers = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(payTable, 'th');
    var yearHeader = headers[0];

    var columnValues = getYearColumnValues(payTable, TestUtils);
    columnValues.should.match([ 'Year', '1066', '1067', '1068' ]);

Do I need to force an update? Re-read the component?

The code is available on Github.

I can test other aspects of the Component but not the Component values after setState

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Paul D'Ambra Avatar asked Feb 22 '15 23:02

Paul D'Ambra

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1 Answers

I had the same issue. The thing is, TestUtils.Simulate.click(yearHeader.getDOMNode()) is making a click on the DOM, which brings about sorting data and DOM manipulation. Even if you use jsDom and not a real dom, this manipulation itself is an async event. So, just by checking the DOM state right after the click event you are making a syncronous call, within which the DOM state has not been changed yet.

The solution is, use a setTimeout with 0 milliseconds timeout, and check the DOM state there. As for you example :

setTimeout(function() {
  var columnValues = getYearColumnValues(payTable, TestUtils);
  columnValues.should.match([ 'Year', '1066', '1067', '1068' ]);

This would make your DOM update its state and you will be able to test your component.

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Koustuv Sinha Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 01:09

Koustuv Sinha