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How to prevent angular material mat-menu from closing?

I'm creating a date time picker control in the angular material and having the below code to do that

<button mat-button [matMenuTriggerFor]="menu">     <mat-icon>date_range</mat-icon>     <span>Date Range</span> </button> <mat-menu #menu="matMenu">     <div fxLayout="row">         <div fxLayout="column">             <button (click)="setInterval(15)" mat-menu-item>Last 15 minutes</button>             <button (click)="setInterval(360)" mat-menu-item>Last 6 hours</button>             <button (click)="setInterval(1440)" mat-menu-item>Last 24 hours</button>             <button (click)="setInterval(2880)" mat-menu-item>Last 2 days</button>             <button (click)="setInterval(10080)" mat-menu-item>Last 7 days</button>             <button (click)="setInterval(-1)" [matMenuTriggerFor]="dateTimeMenu" mat-menu-item>Custom</button>         </div>         <mat-menu class="date-range-menu" #dateTimeMenu="matMenu">             <div fxLayout="row">                 <div fxLayout="column">                     <b>From</b>                     <mat-calendar></mat-calendar>                 </div>                 <div fxLayout="column">                     <b>To</b>                     <mat-calendar></mat-calendar>                 </div>             </div>         </mat-menu>     </div> </mat-menu> 

Currently when ever I click a button it is closing the menu. I know we can do $event.stoppropagation() on each mat-menu-item to prevent it from closing.

But I want to know is it possible to do that for mat-calendar

enter image description here

As you can see in the above image currently when i select a date it is closing the menu. Is it possible to prevent that?

like image 882
Umamaheswaran Avatar asked Oct 27 '17 05:10


People also ask

How do I stop mat menu closing?

stoppropagation() on each mat-menu-item to prevent it from closing. As you can see in the above image currently when i select a date it is closing the menu.

How do you stop angular mat menu from closing when you click outside of it?

Show activity on this post. this should be the real answer, but just to add one extra note you need to set the [hasBackdrop]="false", in order to prevent the menu from closing when click outside of it.

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1 Answers

You just add (click) = "$event.stopPropagation()" to the parent element of these calendars. Like below,

<mat-menu class="date-range-menu" #dateTimeMenu="matMenu">     <div fxLayout="row">         <div fxLayout="column" (click)="$event.stopPropagation();">             <b>From</b>             <mat-calendar></mat-calendar>         </div>         <div fxLayout="column" (click)="$event.stopPropagation();">             <b>To</b>             <mat-calendar></mat-calendar>         </div>     </div> </mat-menu> 

Stackblitz demo.

like image 91
Anik Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09
