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How to Populate a List<string> in XAML?





Here's another easy XAML question for you guys:

I can populate a 'complex' list okay in XAML like:

<local:People x:Key="family">     <local:Person Name="The Babe" Age="45"/>     <local:Person Name="Greggles" Age="41"/>                <local:Person Name="Elmo" Age=10"/> </local:People> 

But in the case of:

public class FileNames : List<string> { } 

...how are the strings added?

<local:FileNames x:Key="fileNames">         ??? </local:FileNames> 

BTW You may recongnise the example, adapted from "Programming WPF" by Chris Sells.

Thanks for your help!

like image 929
MrGreggles Avatar asked Oct 02 '09 06:10


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1 Answers

<local:FileNames x:Key="fileNames" xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib">     <sys:String>One</sys:String>     <sys:String>Two</sys:String>     <sys:String>Three</sys:String> </local:FileNames> 
like image 190
Kent Boogaart Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Kent Boogaart