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How to perform time limited response download with python requests?

When downloading a large file with python, I want to put a time limit not only for the connection process, but also for the download.

I am trying with the following python code:

import requests

r = requests.get('http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/1GB.zip', timeout = 0.5, prefetch = False)

print r.headers['content-length']

print len(r.raw.read())

This does not work (the download is not time limited), as correctly noted in the docs: https://requests.readthedocs.org/en/latest/user/quickstart/#timeouts

This would be great if it was possible:

r.raw.read(timeout = 10)

The question is, how to put a time limit to the download?

like image 247
Hristo Hristov Avatar asked Nov 26 '12 21:11

Hristo Hristov

People also ask

How do you add a timeout to a request?

To set a timeout in Python Requests, you can pass the "timeout" parameter for GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, and DELETE methods. The "timeout" parameter allows you to select the maximum time (number of seconds) for the request to complete. By default, requests do not have a timeout unless you explicitly specify one.

What is request timeout?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 408 Request Timeout response status code means that the server would like to shut down this unused connection. It is sent on an idle connection by some servers, even without any previous request by the client.

1 Answers

And the answer is: do not use requests, as it is blocking. Use non-blocking network I/O, for example eventlet:

import eventlet
from eventlet.green import urllib2
from eventlet.timeout import Timeout

url5 = 'http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/5MB.zip'
url10 = 'http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/10MB.zip'

urls = [url5, url5, url10, url10, url10, url5, url5]

def fetch(url):
    response = bytearray()
    with Timeout(60, False):
        response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
    return url, len(response)

pool = eventlet.GreenPool()
for url, length in pool.imap(fetch, urls):
    if (not length):
        print "%s: timeout!" % (url)
        print "%s: %s" % (url, length)

Produces expected results:

http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/5MB.zip: 5242880
http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/5MB.zip: 5242880
http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/10MB.zip: timeout!
http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/10MB.zip: timeout!
http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/10MB.zip: timeout!
http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/5MB.zip: 5242880
http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/5MB.zip: 5242880
like image 61
Hristo Hristov Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 14:11

Hristo Hristov