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How to Pass Array to another activity?

I know that we can able to pass the any object with its value to another activity with the method putExtra() and getExtra methods. but now I want to know whether is it possible to pass the array to the another Activity or not? Or if it is then let me know how I can pass the array to the another Activity ? Thanks.

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Shreyash Mahajan Avatar asked Aug 31 '11 13:08

Shreyash Mahajan

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1 Answers

Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putStringArray(key, new String[]{value1, value2});
Intent i=new Intent(context, Class);

And for receiveing

Bundle b = this.getIntent().getExtras();
String[] array=b.getStringArray(key);
like image 179
Kamal Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10
