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How to pass a value from a parent window to another html page using javascript?

I have 2 windows home.html and result.html.

In home.html I have a <textarea> #txtinput and a <button> #btn.

In result.html I have another <textarea> #txtresult.

On home.html, if I enter a value into #txtinput and click #btn, I want to open result.html and pass the value of #txtinput into #txtresult.

I've tried the below code from another post, which displays the value in the new window's body but won't display it in my element

var myWindow = window.open();
myWindow.document.body.innerHTML = document.getElementById("txtinput").value;

Is it somehow possible in a simple way? I am relatively new to JavaScript, my courses are ongoing now and I am just curious to know the ways to do it. Any detailed help will be very much appreciated!

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locknies Avatar asked Nov 26 '13 14:11


People also ask

Can I pass a JavaScript variable to another browser window?

To pass a JavaScript variable to another browser window, we can add a property to the window handle object. const thisIsAnObject = { foo: "bar" }; const w = window. open("http://example.com"); w.

How do I pass a value from child window to parent window?

From a child window or a small window once opened, we can transfer any user entered value to main or parent window by using JavaScript. You can see the demo of this here. Here the parent window is known as opener. So the value we enter in a child window we can pass to main by using opener.

2 Answers

I hope i need to elaborate the below code

Button on click function in the home page:

function sample(){
    //this will set the text box id to var id;
    var id = document.getElementById("text_box_id").id;

    //the sessionStorage.setItem(); is the predefined function in javascript
    //which will support for every browser that will store the sessions.
    sessionStorage.setItem("sent", id); 

    //this is to open a window in new tab

Retrieve the value in result page:

    //This sessionStorage.getItem(); is also a predefined function in javascript
    //will retrieve session and get the value;
    var a = sessionStorage.getItem("sent");

For more information about sessionStorage

  • code.google.com/p/sessionstorage/
  • developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/API/DOM/Storage

I have done same thing as above, am getting values in new window that's great, but that values I am getting only in documet.ready() function. So I am not able to use these values in my JSP. once I got values I need to display them in JSP.

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vivek Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09


In result.html, find the Window which opened it, using window.opener and then take your data of interest from that Window.

window.addEventListener('load', function () { // wait for ready
    var home = window.opener, txtinput, txtresult;
    if (home) {
         txtinput = home.document.getElementById("txtinput");
         txtresult = document.getElementById('txtresult');
         txtresult.value = txtinput.value;
}, false);

In home.html, listen for a click on #btn and open result.html

// assuming button exists at invocation time
var btn = document.getElementById('btn');
btn.addEventListener('click', function () {
}, false);
like image 30
Paul S. Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09

Paul S.