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What does the built in object hierarchy look like in javascript?

I was looking for a diagram which shows the built in types of javascript like Function and String but on google I keep finding diagrams with the browser-related stuff like Window.

I'm just looking for the pure js object diagram. I know about the ECMA specification but I'm looking for a diagram because I'm a visual type.

like image 861
Adam Arold Avatar asked Nov 10 '13 15:11

Adam Arold

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Window object − Top of the hierarchy. It is the outmost element of the object hierarchy.

1 Answers

There's not much depth to the JavaScript types to speak of, the diagram would be fairly flat. It's basically like this (UML at the end), though this will get outdated over time as JavaScript is an evolving language:

  • primitive string
  • primitive boolean
  • primitive number
  • primitive BigInt (ES2020+, primitive arbitrarily-large integers)
  • the Undefined type, which has exactly one instance: undefined
  • the Null type, which has exactly one instance: null
  • Symbol (a primitive type) (ES2015+)
  • Proxy (an object type, but one not backed by the default object prototype) (ES2015+)
  • Object
    • String
    • Boolean
    • Number
    • BigInt (ES2020+)
    • Function
    • Date
    • RegExp
    • Array
    • Math
    • Error * EvalError * RangeError * ReferenceError * SyntaxError * TypeError * URIError * AggregateError (ES2020+)
    • JSON (ES5+)
    • ArrayBuffer (ES2015+)
    • DataView (ES2015+)
    • The typed arrays (Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array) (ES2015+)
    • Map (ES2015+)
    • WeakMap (ES2015+)
    • Set (ES2015+)
    • WeakSet (ES2015+)
    • Promise (ES2015+)
    • Reflect (ES2015+)

I think that's up-to-date through ES2022. To get the latest info, check the latest editor's draft of the specification.

In UML, it looks something like this:

Flat class hierarchy in JavaScript

(click the image to open it so you can zoom)

Note that this is just JavaScript's type tree. It doesn't include lots of other things that are often used with JavaScript on browsers (such as the DOM, the workers API, web storage, the File API, etc., etc.).

like image 187
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10

T.J. Crowder