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How to pass a parameter to routerLink that is somewhere inside the URL?

In your particular example you'd do the following routerLink:

[routerLink]="['user', user.id, 'details']"

To do so in a controller, you can inject Router and use:

router.navigate(['user', user.id, 'details']);

More info in the Angular docs Link Parameters Array section of Routing & Navigation

Maybe it is really late answer but if you want to navigate another page with param you can,

[routerLink]="['/user', user.id, 'details']"

also you shouldn't forget about routing config like ,

 [path: 'user/:id/details', component:userComponent, pathMatch: 'full']

First configure in table:

const routes: Routes = [  
  path: 'class/:id/enrollment/:guid',
  component: ClassEnrollmentComponent

now in type script code:


receive params in another component

 this.activatedRoute.params.subscribe(params => {
  let id = params['id'];
  let guid = params['guid'];


There are multiple ways of achieving this.

  • Through [routerLink] directive
  • The navigate(Array) method of the Router class
  • The navigateByUrl(string) method which takes a string and returns a promise

The routerLink attribute requires you to import the routingModule into the feature module in case you lazy loaded the feature module or just import the app-routing-module if it is not automatically added to the AppModule imports array.

  • RouterLink
<a [routerLink]="['/user', user.id]">John Doe</a>
<a routerLink="urlString">John Doe</a> // urlString is computed in your component
  • Navigate
// Inject Router into your component
// Inject ActivatedRoute into your component. This will allow the route to be done related to the current url
this._router.navigate(['user',user.id], {relativeTo: this._activatedRoute})
  • NavigateByUrl
this._router.navigateByUrl(urlString).then((bool) => {}).catch()