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What are the "spec.ts" files generated by Angular CLI for?

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What does Spec TS file do in angular?

spec. ts file. This file contains unit tests for the main AppComponent. When running tests using the Angular CLI, all unit tests in files with the *.

What is TS file in angular?

ts: This file is a unit testing file related to app component. This file is used along with other unit tests. It is run from Angular CLI by the command ng test. app.

How do I create a spec TS file?

Select an Angular *. ts file and use right click to generate the spec file. Generate spec (jest / jasmine / mockito / empty) files for Angular elements: component.

What is app component Ts in angular?

Components are basically classes that interact with the .html file of the component, which gets displayed on the browser. We have seen the file structure in one of our previous chapters. The file structure has the app component and it consists of the following files − app.component.css.

The spec files are unit tests for your source files. The convention for Angular applications is to have a .spec.ts file for each .ts file. They are run using the Jasmine javascript test framework through the Karma test runner (https://karma-runner.github.io/) when you use the ng test command.

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if you generate new angular project using "ng new", you may skip a generating of spec.ts files. For this you should apply --skip-tests option.

ng new ng-app-name --skip-tests

The .spec.ts files are for unit tests for individual components. You can run Karma task runner through ng test. In order to see code coverage of unit test cases for particular components run ng test --code-coverage

.spec.ts file is used for unit testing of your application.

If you don't to get it generated just use --spec=false while creating new Component. Like this

ng generate component --spec=false mycomponentName