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How to parse the Manifest.mbdb file in an iOS 4.0 iTunes Backup

In iOS 4.0 Apple has redesigned the backup process.

iTunes used to store a list of filenames associated with backup files in the Manifest.plist file, but in iOS 4.0 it has moved this information to a Manifest.mbdb

You can see an example of this file by making a backup with your iOS 4.0 devices and looking in your ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup folder (Look inside the subfolders with the most recent date)

Here's a screenshot of what the file looks like in a text editor:

alt text
(source: supercrazyawesome.com)

How do I parse this into a Cocoa application so that I can update my (free) iPhone Backup Extractor app (http://supercrazyawesome.com) for iOS 4.0?

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Padraig Avatar asked Jun 21 '10 13:06


1 Answers

Thank you, user374559 and reneD -- that code and description is very helpful.

My stab at some Python to parse and print out the information in a Unix ls-l like format:

#!/usr/bin/env python import sys  def getint(data, offset, intsize):     """Retrieve an integer (big-endian) and new offset from the current offset"""     value = 0     while intsize > 0:         value = (value<<8) + ord(data[offset])         offset = offset + 1         intsize = intsize - 1     return value, offset  def getstring(data, offset):     """Retrieve a string and new offset from the current offset into the data"""     if data[offset] == chr(0xFF) and data[offset+1] == chr(0xFF):         return '', offset+2 # Blank string     length, offset = getint(data, offset, 2) # 2-byte length     value = data[offset:offset+length]     return value, (offset + length)  def process_mbdb_file(filename):     mbdb = {} # Map offset of info in this file => file info     data = open(filename).read()     if data[0:4] != "mbdb": raise Exception("This does not look like an MBDB file")     offset = 4     offset = offset + 2 # value x05 x00, not sure what this is     while offset < len(data):         fileinfo = {}         fileinfo['start_offset'] = offset         fileinfo['domain'], offset = getstring(data, offset)         fileinfo['filename'], offset = getstring(data, offset)         fileinfo['linktarget'], offset = getstring(data, offset)         fileinfo['datahash'], offset = getstring(data, offset)         fileinfo['unknown1'], offset = getstring(data, offset)         fileinfo['mode'], offset = getint(data, offset, 2)         fileinfo['unknown2'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)         fileinfo['unknown3'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)         fileinfo['userid'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)         fileinfo['groupid'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)         fileinfo['mtime'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)         fileinfo['atime'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)         fileinfo['ctime'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)         fileinfo['filelen'], offset = getint(data, offset, 8)         fileinfo['flag'], offset = getint(data, offset, 1)         fileinfo['numprops'], offset = getint(data, offset, 1)         fileinfo['properties'] = {}         for ii in range(fileinfo['numprops']):             propname, offset = getstring(data, offset)             propval, offset = getstring(data, offset)             fileinfo['properties'][propname] = propval         mbdb[fileinfo['start_offset']] = fileinfo     return mbdb  def process_mbdx_file(filename):     mbdx = {} # Map offset of info in the MBDB file => fileID string     data = open(filename).read()     if data[0:4] != "mbdx": raise Exception("This does not look like an MBDX file")     offset = 4     offset = offset + 2 # value 0x02 0x00, not sure what this is     filecount, offset = getint(data, offset, 4) # 4-byte count of records      while offset < len(data):         # 26 byte record, made up of ...         fileID = data[offset:offset+20] # 20 bytes of fileID         fileID_string = ''.join(['%02x' % ord(b) for b in fileID])         offset = offset + 20         mbdb_offset, offset = getint(data, offset, 4) # 4-byte offset field         mbdb_offset = mbdb_offset + 6 # Add 6 to get past prolog         mode, offset = getint(data, offset, 2) # 2-byte mode field         mbdx[mbdb_offset] = fileID_string     return mbdx  def modestr(val):     def mode(val):         if (val & 0x4): r = 'r'         else: r = '-'         if (val & 0x2): w = 'w'         else: w = '-'         if (val & 0x1): x = 'x'         else: x = '-'         return r+w+x     return mode(val>>6) + mode((val>>3)) + mode(val)  def fileinfo_str(f, verbose=False):     if not verbose: return "(%s)%s::%s" % (f['fileID'], f['domain'], f['filename'])     if (f['mode'] & 0xE000) == 0xA000: type = 'l' # symlink     elif (f['mode'] & 0xE000) == 0x8000: type = '-' # file     elif (f['mode'] & 0xE000) == 0x4000: type = 'd' # dir     else:          print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown file type %04x for %s" % (f['mode'], fileinfo_str(f, False))         type = '?' # unknown     info = ("%s%s %08x %08x %7d %10d %10d %10d (%s)%s::%s" %              (type, modestr(f['mode']&0x0FFF) , f['userid'], f['groupid'], f['filelen'],               f['mtime'], f['atime'], f['ctime'], f['fileID'], f['domain'], f['filename']))     if type == 'l': info = info + ' -> ' + f['linktarget'] # symlink destination     for name, value in f['properties'].items(): # extra properties         info = info + ' ' + name + '=' + repr(value)     return info  verbose = True if __name__ == '__main__':     mbdb = process_mbdb_file("Manifest.mbdb")     mbdx = process_mbdx_file("Manifest.mbdx")     for offset, fileinfo in mbdb.items():         if offset in mbdx:             fileinfo['fileID'] = mbdx[offset]         else:             fileinfo['fileID'] = "<nofileID>"             print >> sys.stderr, "No fileID found for %s" % fileinfo_str(fileinfo)         print fileinfo_str(fileinfo, verbose) 
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galloglass Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09
