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How to parse somewhat wrong JSON with Python?

I have a following JSON string coming from external input source:

{value: "82363549923gnyh49c9djl239pjm01223", id: 17893} 

This is wrong-formatted JSON string ("id" and "value" must be in quotes), but I need to parse it anyway. I have tried simplejson and json-py and seems they could not be set up to parse such strings.

I am running Python 2.5 on Google App engine, so any C-based solutions like python-cjson are not applicable.

Input format could be changed to XML or YAML, in adition to JSON listed above, but I am using JSON within the project and changing format in specific place would not be very good.

Now I've switched to XML and parsing the data successfully, but looking forward to any solution that would allow me to switch back to JSON.

like image 782
Serge Tarkovski Avatar asked Dec 19 '09 00:12

Serge Tarkovski

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1 Answers

since YAML (>=1.2) is a superset of JSON, you can do:

>>> import yaml >>> s = '{value: "82363549923gnyh49c9djl239pjm01223", id: 17893}' >>> yaml.load(s) {'id': 17893, 'value': '82363549923gnyh49c9djl239pjm01223'} 
like image 105
mykhal Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
