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how to overload an assignment operator in swift

I would like to override the '=' operator for a CGFloat like the follow try :

func = (inout left: CGFloat, right: Float) {     left=CGFloat(right) } 

So I could do the following:

var A:CGFloat=1 var B:Float=2 A=B 

Can this be done ? I get the error Explicitly discard the result of the closure by assigning to '_'

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mcfly soft Avatar asked Apr 30 '15 09:04

mcfly soft

People also ask

How do you overload an assignment operator?

Overloading the assignment operator (operator=) is fairly straightforward, with one specific caveat that we'll get to. The assignment operator must be overloaded as a member function. This will call f1. operator=(f1), and under the simplistic implementation above, all of the members will be assigned to themselves.

Is operator overloading supported in Swift?

Operator overloading is a powerful feature of Swift that can make development much more efficient, if you do it with care.

What is operator overloading in Swift?

Swift supports operator overloading, which is a fancy way of saying that what an operator does depends on the values you use it with. For example, + sums integers like this: let meaningOfLife = 42 let doubleMeaning = 42 + 42. But + also joins strings, like this: let fakers = "Fakers gonna " let action = fakers + "fake"

Can we overload address of operator?

You cannot overload the following operators: . You cannot overload the preprocessor symbols # and ## . An operator function can be either a nonstatic member function, or a nonmember function with at least one parameter that has class, reference to class, enumeration, or reference to enumeration type.

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1 Answers

That's not possible - as outlined in the documentation:

It is not possible to overload the default assignment operator (=). Only the compound assignment operators can be overloaded. Similarly, the ternary conditional operator (a ? b : c) cannot be overloaded.

If that doesn't convince you, just change the operator to +=:

func +=(left: inout CGFloat, right: Float) {     left += CGFloat(right) } 

and you'll notice that you will no longer get a compilation error.

The reason for the misleading error message is probably because the compiler is interpreting your attempt to overload as an assignment

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Antonio Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10
