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How to output {gtsummary} tables as images?




I am trying to output {gtsummary} tables (specifically tbl_regression() output) as images. I am using kableExtra::as_image() but the result is not very pretty. A reprex is below but I don't have the reputation to post an image.

Is there a way to programmatically get an image of the tbl_regression() output? On the {gtsummary} github site, there are very nice table images in the README but I am not sure if they were created manually or with code as I don't see any functions that extracted them.


m_linear <-
    lm(mpg ~ cyl, data = mtcars)

gtsummary::tbl_regression(m_linear) %>%
    gtsummary::as_kable() %>%
    kableExtra::as_image(file = "t.png")

Created on 2020-03-18 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

like image 334
shortessay Avatar asked Jan 01 '23 05:01


1 Answers

The images on the website were printed using the {gt} package from RStudio (which we love), and they have a function to save tables (gt::gtsave()) that works beautifully with {gtsummary} tables.

You can use the following steps to save a {gtsummary} table using {gt}:


# make model and tbl_regression object
m_linear <- lm(mpg ~ cyl, data = mtcars)
t1 <- tbl_regression(m_linear)

# Use function from gt package to save table, after converting to 
# gt object using as_gt()
gt::gtsave(as_gt(t1), file = file.path(tempdir(), "temp.png"))

Created on 2020-03-19 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Hope this works for you, good luck!

like image 190
Margaret Janiczek Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 06:01

Margaret Janiczek