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t-distribution in R

I would like to find the t-value for 90% confidence interval with 17 observation.

In Excel, I can do this calculation with t=T.INV.2T(.10, 16)=1.75 however in R I cannot find the correct way to get the same result.

qt(p = 1-.9, df = 17-1) = -1.34

qt(p = (1-.9)/2, df = 17-1) = -1.75 # trying with two-tailed?

What is the function R doing the same computation as T.INV.2T in Excel.

Similarly, we have also T.DIST.2T in Excel, what is the same function in R?

like image 957
Michael Avatar asked Dec 31 '22 17:12


1 Answers

You need the 1 - .1 / 2 = 0.95 quantile from the t-distribution with 17 - 1 = 16 degrees of freedom:

qt(0.95, 16)
# [1] 1.745884


Excel describes T.INV.2T as

Returns the two-tailed inverse of the Student's t-distribution

which is the quantile in math talk (though I would never use the term 2 tailed quantile). The p% quantile q is defined as the point which satisfies P(X <= q) >= p%.

In R we get that with the function qt (q for quantile, t for t-distribution). Now we just have to sort out what is meant by a two-tailed inverse. It turns out we are looking for the point q which satisfies P(X <= -|q| | X >= |q|) >= .1. Since the t-distribution is symmetrical this simplifies to P(X >= |q|) >= .1 / 2.

You can easily verify that in R with the use of the probability function pt:

pt(qt(0.05, 16), 16, lower.tail = TRUE) + 
pt(qt(0.95, 16), 16, lower.tail = FALSE)
# [1] 0.1
like image 97
thothal Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 02:01
