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How to order by where in fields in Laravel




I did some calculate in a view table for products in MYSQL, so I list these id for product reference id.

$referenceIds = viewTable::orderBy('score', 'DESC')->lists('product_id');

And I want to get the product from those reference id.

$products = Product::whereIn('id', $rederenceIds);

The product content is correct, but the order is wrong, how to load product order by reference id, I know I can do it in MySQL by using ORDER BY FIELD(id,' . $fields . '), but I want to find out Laravel way, and hope not use ORDER BY FIELD command because it seems waste to much database efficiency.

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Chan Avatar asked Oct 24 '13 08:10


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1 Answers

You will have to inject some raw sql, but it's not a nightmare:

$referenceIds = viewTable::orderBy('score', 'DESC')->lists('product_id');
$referenceIdsStr = implode(',', $referenceIds);
$products = Product::whereIn('id', $rederenceIds)->orderByRaw(DB::raw("FIELD(product_id, $referenceIdsStr)"))->get()->all();
like image 197
omar j Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10

omar j