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Metabase Filters example

enter image description hereI am using metabase integrated with Mysql for reporting purposes. I went through documentation but was unable to find any example explaining how to implement filters in SQL based questions.

The only example I found was regarding Date Range and Field Filters but not of Text and Numbers.

Can anyone provide documentation or any example on how to use Text filters.

I am using metabase version v0.24.2

The Query I am trying to run is this

 SELECT  @a:=@a+1 "Serial Number", ssk_transaction.transactionId AS "TranId",   
t2.typeName AS "Transaction Type",  
ssk_transaction.createdTime AS "GenDate", t3.deviceName AS "Machine Name",  
 t3.deviceLocation AS "Machine Location", t9.eventApiName AS 'API Name' ,  
t8.vendorResultCode AS 'Last API Response',  
(SELECT createdTime FROM ssk_transaction_event_detail t4 WHERE t4.transactionId  
 = ssk_transaction.transactionId ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS "Last API Called",  
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(t5.itemName * t4.itemCount), 0) FROM  
 ssk_transaction_cash_detail t4  
LEFT JOIN ssk_inventory_item t5 ON (t4.itemId = t5.itemId)  
LEFT JOIN ssk_inventory_category t10 ON (t5.categoryId = t10.categoryId)  
WHERE t4.transactionId = ssk_transaction.transactionId AND t10.categoryName =   'acceptor') "Cash In",  
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(t5.itemName * t4.itemCount), 0) FROM       ssk_transaction_cash_detail t4  
LEFT JOIN ssk_inventory_item t5 ON (t4.itemId = t5.itemId)  
LEFT JOIN ssk_inventory_category t10 ON (t5.categoryId = t10.categoryId)  
WHERE t4.transactionId = ssk_transaction.transactionId AND t10.categoryName =   'dispenser') "Cash Returned",  
IFNULL((SELECT "Cash In"), 0) - IFNULL((SELECT "Cash Returned"), 0) AS "Amount   of Activity",  
(SELECT t8.vendorResultCode FROM ssk_transaction_event_detail t8 WHERE       t8.transactionId = ssk_transaction.transactionId AND t8.eventId = 6 ORDER BY id       DESC LIMIT 1) AS "Sim Status",  
'Completed' AS "Transaction Status",  
ssk_transaction.customerMsisdn AS MSISDN,  
ssk_transaction.customerCNIC AS CNIC  
FROM  (SELECT @a:=0) initvars, ssk_transaction  
LEFT JOIN ssk_transaction_type t2 ON (ssk_transaction.typeId = t2.typeId)  
LEFT JOIN ssk_device t3 ON (ssk_transaction.deviceUUID = t3.deviceUUID)  
LEFT JOIN ssk_transaction_cash_detail t6 ON (ssk_transaction.transactionId =       t6.transactionId )  
LEFT JOIN ssk_inventory_item t7 ON (t6.itemId = t7.itemId)  
LEFT JOIN ssk_transaction_event_detail t8 ON (ssk_transaction.transactionId =   t8.transactionId AND t8.eventId = 10)  
LEFT JOIN ssk_transaction_event t9 ON (t9.eventId = t8.eventId)  
WHERE {{created_at}} AND {{id}} [[AND ssk_transaction.customerMsisdn=       {{msisdn}}]] AND {{cnic}} and  t2.typeId = 3 AND t8.eventId = 10 AND       t8.vendorResultCode = '405000000'  
GROUP BY ssk_transaction.transactionId  
ORDER BY ssk_transaction.createdTime ASC  
like image 946
Anas Avatar asked Aug 10 '17 07:08


People also ask

How do I use filters in Metabase?

Click on the filter icon to add a new filter widget to the dashboard. Under What do we want to filter , we'll select Time . For What kind of filter? , we'll select All options , which will add a date filter to our dashboard. Next, we'll need to connect our widget to the Field Filter variable in our question.

What is a field filter?

A Field Filter is a special type of variable that can wire up a variable in your SQL code to a field (column) in a table, which enables it to create a 'smart' filter widget. For Metabase questions written in SQL, we can use basic variable types—Text, Number, and Date—to create simple SQL filter widgets.

How do you put a filter on a dashboard?

Click Filter Your Dashboard in the dashboard's right panel (if it's your first filter), or + if you are adding another filter. The Add Filter dialog box is displayed. (Optional) If you have multiple data sources, select the data source that contains the fields you want to filter.

2 Answers

Open a issue on github page under the version number your are using. The contributors will help you with your query or even providing the requested documentation / wiki.

Maybe this could help you :

try to use CONCAT('%',{{variable}},'%') such as:

WHERE 1=1 [[ AND test LIKE CONCAT('%',{{variable}},'%') ]]
like image 76
Noob Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09


To create a variable just write your query and define placeholders for your variables in the format {{variablename}}, when you do this Metabase will automatically show the Variables panel on the right and you must choose the type of this variable (you can also mark the variable as required if you provide a default value).

You should not escape the variable placeholder in your query (that is why CONCAT('%',{{variable}},'%') does not work) and you can mark a whole expression as optional surrounding it with double-brackets.

The image bellow gives one example for the query:

select * from pg_tables where schemaname = {{schemaname}} [[ and tablename = {{tablename}} ]]

In this example, the whole tablename filter will be ignored if you don't provide a value for the tablename variable. And note that both variables are marked with type text.

sql query with variable

like image 44
fgasparini Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
