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All our MySQL constraints have gone lowercase. What can cause this?

We have a camelCase naming convention on everything we do - from database tables to object properties, columns, database indexes and constraints.

We have been working with these conventions for two months now on a new project and everything was going well, when all of a sudden last night all relations on only one of our 6 databases converted from camelCase to lowercase. It is important to note that only the constraints converted - the indexes themselves stayed camelCase.

So if we had a column called someColumn and another, someTable.otherColumn, it went from this:

someColumn => someTable.otherColumn ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE

to this:

someColumn => sometable.otherColumn ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE

What could cause this? We were unable to reproduce this issue - we tried changing a random constraint to see if it would change them all and we tried re-importing the structure and it went fine, keeping the camelCase from the import.

We work on OSX and deploy to CentOS.

Edit: One developer uses a case insensitive OSX. He tried re-importing the database from an export on his own machine, and it was still fine, thus: importing a dump from a case insensitive machine into the case sensitive CentOS did not break things. Restarting mysqld also failed to reproduce this bug. All force-lowercase mysql settings are off. To date we have been unable to make it happen again.

Edit2: Note that this only happened on our CentOS development server - the developer who uses a case insensitive OS has imported his database before from others who are on case sensitive systems, and everything was fine every time.

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Swader Avatar asked Sep 15 '12 11:09


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1 Answers

Bug report #55897 suggests that this is by-design and documented under Limits on InnoDB Tables:

On Windows, InnoDB always stores database and table names internally in lowercase.

See also Case insensitive constraint names in MySQL.

like image 67
eggyal Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
