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How to open a browser with a url from maven build

I'm building a web-application with Maven3 and run it via mvn jetty:run-war. Now I'd like to open the web-app from my maven build in the system browser.

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Michael K. Avatar asked Oct 04 '12 11:10

Michael K.

People also ask

How do you generate a site for a project with Maven?

To generate a site, just run mvn site:site or mvn site. To view the generated site on a local machine, run mvn site:run. This command will deploy the site to a Jetty web server at the address localhost:8080.

What does mvn site do?

So, a "mvn clean site" actually performs the pre-clean and clean phases of the clean lifecycle and then performs the pre-site and site phases of the site lifecycle.

2 Answers

I solved my problem on os windows, which is currently my only build system. After the jetty server is started and hosting my web-app the build makes a start call via antrun:

        <id>Run URL in system browser.</id>
            <exec executable="start" vmlauncher="false">
              <arg line="http://localhost:8080/rap?startup=entrypoint"/>
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Michael K. Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 01:10

Michael K.

I have written a Maven plugin that can open browser on each platform/JDK as part of my bck2brwsr VM work. It can be used to show any static page in your project. Following example opens browser with content of pom.xml file:


I know opening a static page isn't perfect, but it can contain appropriate redirect, right? Moreover, if there is an interested, the plugin can easily be improved to open any URL. Pull Requests welcomed.

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Jaroslav Tulach Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Jaroslav Tulach