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How to Mutate a DataFrame?

I am trying to remove some columns from my data frame and would prefer not to return the modified data frame and reassign it to the old. Instead, I would like the function to just modify the data frame. This is what I tried but it does not seem to be doing what I except. I was under the impression arguments as passed as reference and not by value?

function remove_cols! (df::DataFrame, cols)   
  df = df[setdiff(names(df), cols)];

df = DataFrame(x = [1:10], y = [11:20]);
remove_cols!(df, [:y]); # this does not modify the original data frame

Of course the below works but I would prefer if remove_cols! just changed the df in place

df = remove_cols!(df, [:y]);

How can I change the df in place inside my function?


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Ecognium Avatar asked Dec 24 '14 21:12


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1 Answers

As I understand Julia it uses what is called pass by sharing, meaning that the reference is passed by value. So when you pass the DataFrame to the function a new reference to the DataFrame is created which is local to the function. When you reassign the local df variable with its own reference to the DataFrame it has no effect on the separate global variable and its separate reference to the DataFrame.

There is a function in DataFrames.jl for deleting columns in DataFrames.

like image 118
Mr Alpha Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 06:09

Mr Alpha