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How to modify the keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse IDE?

People also ask

How do I change keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse?

Display and Edit the Current Keyboard Shortcuts To see the current key configuration and its keyboard shortcuts, choose the Eclipse > Preferences menu command to open the Eclipse workbench Preferences. Select the General > Editor > Keys page.

How do I enable Sysout in Eclipse?

Just type "sysout" in your Java editor and press Ctrl + space, which triggers code completion. This will expand sysout into System. out.

Window > Preferences > General > Keys

In particular, edit the "Run Ant Build" command.

For Windows:

Window > Preferences > General > Keys

For mac that would be

Eclipse > Preferences > General > Keys

Pressing Ctrl + Shift + L will open the current list of defined shortcuts, again pressing Ctrl + Shift + L will open preference page from where the shortcuts can be modified.

As a side note make sure your newly mapped Shortcut won't have any conflicts on the right of the Keys window/menu.

If so choose a combination that will work; doesn't have any conflicts with existing ( default ) settings.

Hope this helps.